How instructors can use this tutorial

To access this page:

  1. You must be logged in to your NAU Gmail account (a.k.a. your G Suite account). You may already be logged in! To check, try this link:

  2. If that link takes you to the tutorial, great! Get started on the tutorial!

  3. If you don't see the tutorial after clicking that link, then open your NAU Gmail account, and then come back to this page and try that link again.

  4. If you are not sure how to access your NAU Gmail, open a new tab and enter into the address bar.

  5. Once you have logged in to your NAU Gmail, try the link (in step 1) again. You should now have access!!

Need an NAU Google account? Use the Faculty/Staff Google Account Request tool.

Need to see the tutorial RIGHT NOW, before you get assigned your Google Account? Email: