Why should you cite?

Four steps to get access to this page:

STEP 1. As shown below, open a new tab in your browser (Chrome, Firefox, or Safari). 

STEP 2. Then, log in to your NAU Gmail account and stay logged in.*

STEP 3. Then, come back to this page.

STEP 4. Open this link to start reading this page: https://sites.google.com/nau.edu/info-lit1/7-using-and-citing-information-sources/why-should-you-cite

*The tutorial is accessible to NAU students only. The only way to authenticate you as an NAU student is to have you log in to your NAU Google Workspace account, and the easiest way to do that is to just open your NAU Gmail.


NAU Gmail Information for Instructors:

Are you an instructor who needs an NAU Google Account? Use the Faculty/Staff Google Account Request tool.