About Our Science Class

Class expectations:

    • Arrive on time

    • Come with all necessary materials

          • Headphones

          • Chromebook

          • Binder

          • Agenda book

          • Pencils

    • Complete homework by the given due date

    • Use all lab materials appropriately

    • Remain on task during all partner, group, and individual activities

    • When using technology in the classroom, remain on the website directed by the teacher at all times


    • We use a total points system in science, so larger assignments/assessments are worth more than smaller ones.

    • Categories:

        • Assessments

        • Independent work

        • Projects

When you are absent:

    • Please check the Agenda for the day you missed (Posted on Google Classroom and this website)

    • Stay after school with Mrs. Boczanowski to review concepts missed