Student Athlete Resources

NCAA Year by Year Checklist

Ninth and Tenth Grades

1. Meet with high school guidance counselor regarding course selection in order to:

Eleventh Grade

1. Register to take the ACT and/or SAT test.

      • When registering for the ACT/SAT, students must select the Eligibility Center as one of the recipients of their test score.
      • Code: 9999
      • Students are encouraged to take the writing component of the ACT and/or SAT.
      • Test scores must be reported to the Eligibility Center directly from the testing agency. Test scores will not be accepted if reported on a high school transcript.

2. Register with the NCAA Eligibility Center (i.e., Student Release Form) and complete the amateurism questionnaire at the end of junior year at the eligibility center.

      • Registration fee: $80 for domestic students.

3. After student registers, the high school must mail an official transcript to the Eligibility Center.

      • The Eligibility Center must have a transcript with at least six semesters represented to do a preliminary certification.
      • Transcripts may be sent by regular mail or overnight delivery. Transcripts cannot be faxed.

4. Continue to work with your high school guidance counselor to monitor course selection.

Twelfth Grade

1. Continue to work with your high school guidance counselor to monitor course selection.

2. Student must review amateurism questionnaire responses and request final amateurism certification on or after April 1 (for fall enrollees) or October 1 (for spring enrollees).

3. After high school graduation, request for the high school to mail a final transcript to the Eligibility Center.

**Students will not receive final certification until the Eligibility Center has received the student’s test scores and a final copy of the high school transcript showing proof of graduation.**