1st Class

M. Paul's Class


As a science experiment, we are investigating whether or not a seed will grow without water. Each of our plants are being watered each day apart from pot B. The children have been observing and recording the changes each day and have been very excited!

Procedural Writing

We have been focusing on procedural writing the past few weeks. You will see photos below where the children identified the features, made a text together and we even came up with our own bread recipe as a class. Well done, everyone!

Engineer's Week

For Engineer's Week, we explored different types of engineering and the children were given the task of making a frisbee. They then tested their creations out on the yard. 

Narrative writing

To children worked hard to explore the process of narrative writing. They identified features, planned their stories and wrote two different drafts. We had an author's chair for some children to read their stories to the class and have even made a class book which is now in our library.

Electric guitar

In music, we were looking at the differences between instruments. The children got to experiment with both the acoustic and electric guitars to compare them.

Year of the Snake

We learned lots of information about Chinese New Year in Goodness me, Goodness You. We also made our own lanterns and snakes from clay.

Fabric and Fibre

Lat month, as we were doing the theme of Play, we made our own 2D teddies from recycled fabric.

Aurora Borealis chalk art

Shared writing

As part of narrative writing, the class created this story, "The Cheese Factory". This was made up of different ideas from the class and includes features of narrative writing including a title, orientation, complication and resolution. Well done everyone!


This week in PE, we started with gymnastics. Everyone learned how to balance, crawl and do a number of rolls.

Science Week

Thank you to everyone who had sent in old CDs and DVDs for science week! We  did an experiment in which the children were given a balloon, a CD, a sports bottle cap and some blue tac and were expected to make a hovercraft. Everyone managed to do it and really enjoyed it.

25th October 2024 - Hallowe'en

We had some amazing costumes today and everyone really enjoyed the day. We had a Hallowe'en disco in the classroom, a quiz and a class party!

We would like to say a huge thank you to the Parents' Association for buying new blocks, Lego mats and Magnetic Tiles for us to use during Golden Time and on Rainy Days.

I hope that everyone has a great mid-term!

18th October 2024 - Funny Pumpkins

Last week, in keeping with our theme this month of autumn, we made funny-faced pumpkins in art! The class used chalk pastels and waste paper to make these. Well done everyone!

Autumn Art

The children created some lovely autumn art using autumn leaf cut-outs and chalk pastels - well done!

Kandinsky art

At the beginning of the year, we create work in oil pastel inspired by the work of Wassily Kandinsky. We explored shape and colour and added our own pictures.