SEL student resources


Why do we lose control of our emotions?

downstairs brain - emotional brain! It's always ready to take control to keep us safe.

upstairs brain - thinking brain! It helps us think logically, act with kindness, and think about others.

When your emotional brain takes over and thinks a situation is dangerous, even if it really isn't, we flip our lids.

How can I stop my lid from flipping?

Feeling your tummy rumble, your face getting hot, your heart pounding, your hands clenching, feeling frustrated, angry, or disappointed are all hints you might be close to flipping your lid. It's a good idea to take a break to take deep breaths and look for an adult to talk to. They can help you with strategies to solve your problem once you've calmed down enough to use your thinking brain.

-I need you to listen.

-I need a walk.

-I need a hug.

-I need another chance.

-I need some alone time.

-I need more time to think.

-I need to move my body.

-I need to write about it.

Everyone flips their lid. If your lid flips, you can...

Find a trusted adult who will give you time and space to calm down before you problem solve together. Once your thinking brain is back in charge, you can share your story and get some help. Using I statements might help you.

Resolving a Conflict

Remember, once you say something, you can't take it back.

There is a reason the other person is upset. Listen to why they feel the way they do.

Let them talk. Just listen.

Solutions can be hard, and you might not get exactly what you want.

In our class, we use peace table statements to resolve and discuss conflicts. You can find virtual Peace Table Statements on Google Classroom. There is also an example Peace Table Statement that is shown below.

Example 5H Peace Table Statement (digital)


4 Things you can Start Doing Today

1. Pay attention to other people's feelings

    • You can ask, "How are you feeling?" or look at their face and listen to what they say.

2. Think before you speak or act

    • How will my words or actions make other people feel?

3. Realize that everyone is different.

    • Just because something isn't a big deal to you, doesn't mean it isn't a big deal for someone else

4. Stand up for others.

    • Use empathy to think about how the person may be feeling and then stand up for others!

Mindfulness, Deep Breathing, and Meditation!