Step 4: Evaluation


Send in your student’s annual evaluation every year on the anniversary date of home school registration. If you began a home education program on May 1st, the annual evaluation will be due on May 1st of the following year, and each year you continue to home school. For your convenience, we recommend you use our Annual Evaluation Form. Refer to your confirmation notice when you filed your letter of intent for your home education program dates including start date and annual evaluation due date. Be sure to keep your contact information up to date with the home education office so that reminders and notices reach you including your address, phone number and email address. 


There are 5 Evaluation Options Available. Parents select the option that best meets their needs:


We will accept the evaluation via Email: HSCINFO@MYONECLAY.NET or Mail: Clay County Home Education Office. 2306 Kingsley Avenue, BLDG #20. Orange Park, FL 32073.  Or Fax: 904-336-9881 


Failure to submit an annual evaluation places the home education program in non-compliance and permits the Superintendent, after notice to the parent/guardian, to terminate the program. If the Home Education Office does not receive the evaluation, the home education program will be terminated and your child/children will be required to enroll/re-enroll in public or private school to meet the compulsory attendance law.