Casper Nordic Ski Team

The Casper Nordic Ski Team is a unique school district program with a long tradition of putting kids grades 6-12 first. The two traditional cross-town rivals have been working in cooperation with one another for over 3 decades. The schools train and travel together. Kids from both high school programs are mixed in together to provide the optimal training experience for all. The program prides itself on serving the needs of all kids in the local Nordic community. From beginners to seasoned racers the program has a spot for all Natrona County School District students.

Feeding into the high school program is the Casper Middle School Team - where once again kids from multiple schools are training and traveling together.

2017/18 Coaching Staff:

Head Coaches:

Cassidy Jerding - (KW) 307-251-6767

Justin Kinner - (NC) 307-259-2251

Assistant Coaches:

Bob Matson Paul Kinner

Harry Brubaker Leif Johansson

Sign up for Remind text messaging

(this is our primary means of communication throughout the season)

High School Skiers and Parents:

text @casperh to 81010

Middle School Skiers and Parents:

text @casperj to 81010

If you plan to ski for High Plains you need to register for the $95.00 Competitor's License. This will allow you to compete and earn USSS points in the Casper, Soldier Hollow and Lander high school races.

If you do not plan to try to qualify for High Plains register for the $15.00 General Membership. This will allow you to compete in the Casper, Soldier Hollow, and Lander high school races.

When selecting the division choose "Northern"

When selecting the club choose "Casper Nordic Club"