Welcome to 

Crest Hill 

Elementary School!

Welcome to Crest Hill!

August 4, 2023

Dear Crest Hill Families,

We can’t wait to see you again and to meet our new families! We hope you had a wonderful summer and were able to enjoy the cooler - and then warmer - weather. This year, we are excited to have an assistant principal - Mrs. Chrissy Golen - joining our staff! Mrs. Golen will be working at Crest Hill and Journey Elementary. And once again, this summer has been a busy one at Crest Hill. Our classrooms got a makeover with new flooring and carpeting. Construction crews were hard at work building a new retaining wall for our playground, and there was some behind-the-scenes work done, as well.

As you get ready for the new school year, we want to call your attention to some important dates listed on the next page. We are also including a few key parts from our Parent/Student Handbook. Topics in this letter include School Hours, School Meals information, Animals and Pets, Health and Safety, Nurse, Parking/Pick-up/Drop-off/Bus procedures, School Supplies, Virtual Learning Days, Visits to School/Classroom, and Volunteering. Please go to our website to view our complete handbook, or request a copy from the office.

Finally, to make sure the start of the school year runs as smoothly as possible, please log on to Infinite Campus Parent Portal and ensure all your household contact information is correct. You will also want to set permissions for media, field trips, library use, and more by clicking “MORE” on the left-hand side of the screen, then click on “District Parental Acknowledgement” under Quick Links.


Suzanne Moum, Principal

Crest Hill Website https://sites.google.com/myncsd.org/cresthillelementaryschool/ 

Crest Hill Student/Parent Handbook https://shorturl.at/orKWZ 

NCSD Website www.natronaschools.org 


Mon, August 21 Teachers Return to School

Thur, August 24 Back to School Night (5:30-6:30 pm)

Mon, August 28 First Day of School!


Mon, September 4 Labor Day, No School

Thur, September 14 Student Success Night (5:30-7:00 pm)

Tues, September 19 Individual Picture Day

Mon, September 25 All School Evacuation Drill and Bus Evacuation Drill (10:30 am)

September 26 & 28 Kindergarten and 1st Grade Conferences (3:45-7:15 pm)

Mon, October 30  No School for Students

TBD Dodgeball!!!

November 14 & 16 2nd-5th Grade Conferences (3:45-7:15 pm)

November 22-24 Thanksgiving Break

Dec 18 - Jan 1 Winter Break

Mon, January 15 Equality Day/MLK Jr. Day - No School

Fri, January 19 End of Semester 1

Fri, February 16  No School for Students

Mon, February 19 President’s Day - No School

Feb 20 - March 8 Read-A-Thon

Thur, February 29 Bingo for Books (5:30-7:30 pm)

March 4 - March 8 Donuts with Grownups (8:00-8:30 am by grade level)

Wed, March 13 3rd and 5th Grade WY-TOPP Writing Test

Thur, March 14 K-3 Student Led Conferences; 4-5 Curriculum Night (4:00-6:30 pm)

March 25-29 Spring Break

Wed, April 24 Thur, April 18    4th Grade WY-TOPP Test

Wed, May 1 Thur, April 25    3rd, 4th, 5th Grade WY-TOPP

Wed, May 8 Thur, May 2       3rd, 4th, 5th Grade WY-TOPP

Mon, May 27  Memorial Day - No School

Thur, May 30 5th Grade Graduation (4:30-5:30 pm)

Fri, May 31 Last Day of School - End of Semester 2


8:00 Playground supervision begins

8:10 Breakfast served

8:45 First bell

8:50 Tardy bell

11:30-11:50 Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Grade Lunch

12:05-12:25 4th and 5th Grade Lunch

3:30 School dismissed. No after school playground supervision is provided.

3:45 Parent Pick-up/Bus Supervision ends

Breakfast/Lunch Accounts

Apply for the free/reduced meal program at https://natrona.rocketscanapps.com/

We encourage all families to create a lunch account online at www.myschoolbucks.com in the event that your child needs to purchase a meal.

Any items beyond a standard meal are at an additional cost (such as an additional milk or a second helping). If students have a negative balance of $10 or more, they will be provided with an alternate meal. 

Please contact our lunch clerk, Kristine Collins, if you have further questions regarding lunch accounts.

Sack/Cold Lunch: Write your child’s name and teacher on the bag/container. Please note that lunches from home should be prepared ready to eat. Staff are not permitted to warm up or cut up a student’s food. 

Lunch Visits: Visitors who would like to eat with their child at lunch must first sign in at the office. Visitors may only eat with their child at designated areas. 


We love pets! We love your children even more! Due to unpredictable pet/animal behaviors, children who are uncomfortable around animals, and children who suffer with pet allergies, we request that pets/animals visit Crest Hill through the use of 21st century technology. Your child is welcome to video or take pictures of his/her favorite pet/animal and then bring these to school. For additional information please refer to Board Policy 6900.

Crest Hill has a Therapy Dog - Snickers. She is a labradoodle and works with our counselor, Mrs. Ernst. Crest Hill also has a registered rabbit in Mrs. Winzenried’s 3rd grade classroom. If you have any concerns about your student and allergies, please contact Ms. Moum.


Extreme Weather: The District has made the following recommendations regarding extreme weather conditions for school age children:

Illnesses: School is an environment in which there are a large number of people in a relatively small area. Because of this, illnesses tend to spread quickly. If your child has a temperature, diarrhea, or vomits the night before school, keep your child home until symptom-free for 24 hours.

Roller Skates, Heelies, Skateboards, etc: For the safety of our children, roller skates, heelies, and skateboards need to be left at home. They are not permitted on school grounds.

School Entry: All doors are locked during the school day. All visitors to the building must enter through the building’s main (north) entrance. Visitors may push the button inside the vestibule and someone will let you in. Please see our visitor policy for more information.

Weather-Appropriate Dress: Snow boots, hats, and gloves are strongly encouraged for outdoor play in cold weather. Dressing in layers is also helpful in an environment where weather can change very quickly. Please label your child’s clothing items so lost items can be easily returned.


A school nurse is provided for all schools in the Natrona County School District No. 1. The nurse is responsible for checking the general health of a student (eyes, hearing, ears, throat, teeth). She works in the area of communicable diseases, accidents and illnesses that occur at school. During the school year, the nurse also conducts general health screenings. If you do not wish to have your children screened, view the films or conduct the standard eyes, ears, hearing, throat, teeth checks, please notify our school nurse in writing of your request. 


Once students arrive, they are not permitted to leave campus without a parent or guardian until dismissal. This includes the gas station. 

Please be sure your child knows how they are getting home each day. If there is a last-minute change to pick-up plans, please call the office before 3:00 PM, and we will get a note to your student.

Bus Loop: The bus loop and teacher parking lot are for buses only. Parents are not permitted to pick up or drop off students at the bus loop except with specific permission from the principal for educational access reasons. Monitors will direct cars in these areas to move to our Main Parking Lot or Sunrise.

Crossing Guard: Our crossing guard is on duty from 8:00am-9:00am and 3:00pm-4:00pm. We ask all parents to support our Crossing Guard by waiting for his instructions and crossing with him. 

Drop-off: Playground supervision begins at 8:00 AM. 

Pick-up: Students may be picked up at the Main Loop, Sunrise, or Yesness Park.

Main Parking Lot: The main (north) parking lot loop is ONE WAY only. Please keep in mind it is very difficult to back out of parking spots at the end of the day. If you are meeting your student at the door, please park at Sunrise Parking Lot.

To prevent congestion at the Main Lot, all visitors must follow these guidelines:

Sunrise Parking Lot: The Sunrise parking lot is more spacious and provides the best opportunity for parking. We ask parents to please wait in the Sunrise Parking Lot for their student to cross at the crosswalk.


Please note that Crest Hill will supply all school supplies for students (pencils, crayons, markers, etc). We just ask that you purchase a backpack, water bottle, and, if applicable, a lunch bag/box for your student. If your student would like to use headphones with their i-Pad or computer, please provide those, as well. If you would like to donate supplies to your classroom, please communicate with your classroom teacher. 


If a Virtual Learning Day is called by the district, all Crest Hill students will follow the schedule below. K-1 students will need to have access to an iPad and 2-5 students will need to have access to a computer. 

Virtual Learning Schedule for ALL Crest Hill Students

8:45-9:00 Students log in to Google Classroom/troubleshooting. Teachers submit attendance at 9:00.

9:00-10:00 ELA 10-20 minutes of direct instruction, followed by synchronous/asynchronous work

10:00-10:15 Break/Recess

10:15-11:15 MATH 10-20 minutes of direct instruction, followed by synchronous/asynchronous work

11:15-12:00 Lunch/Recess

12:00-12:15 Students log in to Google Classroom/troubleshooting. Teachers submit attendance at 12:15.

12:15-1:15 K-1: Individual student support (WIN/Tier 2/Tier 3) 

2-3: Specials and PLCs as scheduled

4-5: Social Studies/Science (same format as ELA/Math)

1:15-2:15 K-1: Social Studies/Science (same format as ELA/Math)

2-3: Individual student support (WIN/Tier 2/Tier 3)

4-5: Specials and PLCs as scheduled

2:15-2:30 Break/Recess

2:30-3:30 K-1: Specials and PLCs as scheduled

2-3: Social Studies/Science (same format as ELA/Math)

4-5: Individual student support (WIN/Tier 2/Tier 3)


Parents are always welcome and encouraged to visit our school. Visitors must communicate with the teacher ahead of time and follow the guidelines below to ensure your classroom visits are as productive as possible. Visitors and volunteers will not be permitted in the building beyond the main office or commons without an escort. 

Classroom Visits

Other Visits (e.g. lunch, class parties, scheduled meetings, volunteer)


If you would like to volunteer at Crest Hill, please visit the front office to get a Volunteer information packet.

We welcome and encourage parental involvement in our schools. However, we have a responsibility to maintain a safe environment for our students and staff. Any parent or other community member that wishes to volunteer within our schools must undergo a fingerprint/background check prior to being allowed to volunteer (Policy and Administrative Regulations 4130). To make an appointment to begin the volunteer sign-up process or for more information, please call Central Services at 307 253-5200.

Volunteers are required to sign up, in advance, for volunteer hours. Please work directly with your child’s teacher or the office to schedule a time to volunteer.

During volunteer hours, volunteers will: 

During volunteer hours, volunteers will NOT: 

Box Tops are going Digital!

Did you know - Crest Hill has raised over $12,000 with Box Tops over the years? Now turning in Box Tops is more convenient than ever! Simply download the Box Tops app on your iPhone or Android, create an account, then scan your receipt!

Don't want to scan your receipt? Send it to school with your student and we'll scan it for you.

Stay Informed

Quick Links

Nondiscrimination Policy

NCSD #1 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, sexual orientation, or disability in employment, treatment, admission, or access to educational programs and activities.

The lack of English language skills shall not be a barrier to admission or participation in the activities and programs. Natrona County School District does not discriminate in its hiring or employment practices. This notice is provided as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and the American with Disabilities Act of 1990. Questions, complaints, or requests for additional information regarding these laws may be forwarded to the designated compliance coordinator(s). The following person(s) have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the Non-Discrimination Policies of Natrona County School District.

504 Coordinator - Todd Burns

970 N. Glenn Rd., Casper, WY 82601, or (307) 253-5445



Title IX Coordinator - Dillon Fuller

970 N. Glenn Rd., Casper, WY 82601, or (307) 253-5445



Or you may also contact: 

The Wyoming Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights Coordinator, 2300 Capitol Avenue, Cheyenne, WY 82002-0050 or 307-777-7673



At Natrona County School District #1 (NCSD), we seek to understand and respect the unique needs of our students and community. We are committed to ensuring the accessibility of our web content to people with disabilities. All content on our website will conform to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA. This policy applies to all new, updated, and existing web content on www.natronaschools.org. Accessibility checks will be incorporated into the publishing workflow for all new website content.

Each page of the website will include a link in the footer to this page which includes contact information providing a method for users to submit feedback on the site; this information will be compiled and considered during the review process. Any accessibility issues should be reported to NCSD’s Public Relations Department at communications@myncsd.org.

To request information on this website in another language, please email communications@myncsd.org  or call 307-253-5253.

All areas of the Natrona County School District #1 website will be reviewed annually. Reviews are the responsibility of NCSD’s Public Relations Department.