Media & Technology Advisory Committee

Names of MTAC members, the date of the first meeting of the year, and a draft meeting agenda are due to the LMS Department by September 13, 2024. Submit names using the form most appropriate for your school.

Image from NCDPI

What is the MTAC?

The Media and Technology Advisory Committee at each school is directed to set goals and priorities, promote initiatives, communicate expectations, evaluate program effectiveness, solve problems, handle challenges to instructional materials, advocate for the media & technology program, and identify and recommend resources, hardware, and infrastructure.

MTAC structures and duties are outlined in the IMPACT: Guidelines for North Carolina Media and Technology Programs document. Sections of the document specific to MTAC are curated here.

The Media and Technology Advisory Committee (MTAC) has long been an assumed component in the selection of materials in North Carolina’s public schools since most school system board policies require such a committee. However, the responsibilities of this committee should not be limited to resource selection. An active MTAC can:

Additionally, in GCS middle and high schools, the MTAC is responsible for evaluating texts to be used as whole-class teaching resources following the procedure outlined in Regulation Code 3200-R

Make-Up of the MTAC

Appointed by the principal, who serves on the committee, the MTAC is composed of a representative from each grade level in an elementary and middle school or the department head (or a representative) in a high school, as well as resource teachers. The MTAC should also have student and parent representation. The School Library Media Coordinator chairs the MTAC, other media and technology staff are members, and the district instructional technology facilitator serves as a resource person.

Advisory Committee Membership:

Each member contributes to the MTAC. The Media Coordinator provides leadership and expertise in evaluation, selection and management of resources, equipment, and technology related issues. Teachers and Curriculum Coordinators add their knowledge of the curriculum content, instructional needs, learning styles, and teaching methods. The Principal provides information on budget, curriculum, textbook adoption, and special projects. The system-level Media and Technology Directors serve in an advisory capacity. Students provide information related to personal needs and preferences of the student population. Parents represent the community concerns, morals, and standards.

Function of the MTAC

The functions and responsibilities of the MTAC can be divided into three areas and will meet a minimum of 3 times per year:

1. serving in an advisory capacity to the media and technology staff and program, and

2. maintaining a collection of resources that reflects curricular and individual needs in all formats. 

3. acts to review materials in the event of a book or resource challenge.

The MTAC can serve in many ways to promote the overall media and technology program. The MTAC can assist the School Library Media Coordinator in planning for the media and technology program, setting goals and priorities, evaluating the effectiveness of the program, and considering problems that arise. The MTAC should meet a minimum of three times per school year.

Responsibilities of the Chair (SLMC)

Responsibilities of Members

Examples of What the MTAC Does

The function of maintaining a well-balanced media and technology collection is a primary responsibility of the MTAC. The Media Coordinator and Technology Facilitator are responsible for coordinating the acquisition of all hardware, software, and resources in the school, but cannot assume the total responsibility for selecting every item. All members of the MTAC need to provide input.

A well-balanced collection is balanced in terms of the needs of the school—balanced in curriculum areas, learning styles, formats, and interests. Building a balanced collection involves:

Decisions about resources and equipment purchased for the school are a serious responsibility. With the cost of resources constantly increasing, thoughtful consideration should be given to every item recommended for purchase. A systematic procedure for the MTAC should be developed to ensure the acquisition of media and technology resources to provide a well-balanced collection. The process should include:

Results of an Active MTAC

While the selection of materials, allocation of the media and technology budget, and weeding of the collection are the traditional roles of the MTAC, this committee is a public relations tool for the school’s media and technology programs. Because the members work so closely with the materials housed within the media center and computer labs, they also realize the potential for increased instructional enrichment and enhancement when these resources are used. Because, by the nature of their positions, the committee members are usually the instructional leaders within their schools, MTAC members can model the effective use of a variety of resources available to supplement the textbooks. 

The MTAC can also make media and technology needs known to the principal and other teachers. It can, in turn, be a wealth of information, conveying new curriculum offerings, program ideas, and educational trends to media and technology personnel. In short, the MTAC can be the eyes, ears, and mouthpiece for the media and technology program. It is the key to quality.

Suggested Topics for MTAC Meetings

Meetings can be scheduled as needed, but the committee should meet a minimum of three times a year.

First Meeting of the Year:

Second Meeting of the Year:

Third Meeting of the Year:

Revised and updated from the original article by Bradburn, F. B. (Spring, 1988). "The School Media Advisory Committee: Key to Quality." North Carolina Libraries, p. 16.

Information above modified from the WSFCS website.