Miss Gail gmartin1@tvusd.us

Birthday: September 7th

Favorite Color: Orange

Favorite Candy: Milky Way, Laffy Taffy, Starburst, anything PB & chocolate!

Favorite Snacks: Almonds, everything Salt & Vinegar, fruit, cheese & crackers

Favorite Drink: Refuge Orange Wit, Carmenet Chardonnay, Mocha's, Diet Pepsi

Favorite Flower: Gladiolas, Columbine, Fushias, Cosmos

Favorite Restaurant: Rosati's, Devilicious, Refuge Brewery

Favorite Place to Shop: Target, Barons, Hobby Lobby, Athleta

Favorite e-gift or gift card: Amazon

Notes: I love Peet's coffee, plants, rocks & minerals, bats, and science!