WolfPack Hub

The One-Stop-Shop for West Clermont Families and Staff

Answers to Questions

Below you will find answers to Commonly Asked Questions about returning to school this fall.

If there is something that we've not answered or you need additional clarification, please don't hesitate to contact us at info@westcler.org.

Commonly Asked Questions about Fall 2020

Last updated: Thursday, July 30, 2020

Together, as one community, we LEARN. LEAD. SUCCEED.

We are committed to excellence with every learner, every day, every way!

The West Clermont School District works directly with the Clermont County Public Health Department in making decisions for the safety and well-being of our students, staff, and families. In addition, we are guided by the best available knowledge from the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Ohio Department of Education's Reset and Restart Education Planning Guide for Ohio Schools and Districts​, and the Ohio Department of Health's COVID-19 Health and Prevention Guidance for Ohio's K-12 Schools.

Also, THANK YOU to our parents and staff for responding to our requests for feedback in both the Thoughtexchange and surveys that we sent during May, June, and July. It has helped us so much in our planning process. Click here to see the summary of results from the Thoughtexchange, Parent/Staff Survey #1, and Parent/Staff Survey #2.

Given that our situation is ever-changing, our plans may be updated should recommendations from federal, state, or local authorities provide new information or mandates. We will continue to re-evaluate our plans based on evolving conditions, data about the status of the pandemic, and recommendations and guidance from public health authorities and the scientific community. We appreciate the patience and understanding of our district's families and encourage everyone to be prepared for the possibility of changes throughout the school year.

Below you will find answers to commonly asked questions. If you have a question that is not answered below, please email info@westcler.org.


Currently, there are 2 options for students returning to school in the fall:

  • Option #1: The Flex Model

    • All-in, face-to-face Instruction Plan

    • 50% Capacity Plan

    • Remote Learning 2.0 Plan

These educational models will be determined by district leadership in conjunction with the local health department response to our community's current pandemic situation or governor mandate. The specific plan that students will follow may change throughout the year. Families need to be prepared for the possibility of any of the three plans.

  • Option #2: The West Clermont Online Academy

    • Fully online curriculum

    • Supported by West Clermont Teachers

    • Must make a commitment for a semester

How will the district determine which of the 3 plans in the Flex Model Option to activate?

Superintendent Adams will collaborate with the Clermont County Public Health Department to determine how the community spread is specifically affecting our schools. If/when community spread increases and the health department determines that a change must be made, the 50% capacity plan or remote learning plans could be activated. This will be communicated through the district’s phone messaging and email system. Based on how each building is affected, there could be differing plans at each school building through the course of the school year. Families need to prepare for the possibility of all three plans to be in effect at various times throughout the 2020-21 school year.

NOTE: There will always be some level of risk when students and school district employees occupy our facilities.

How will I let the school district know which option our family selects?

All families will be required to complete an electronic Return to School acknowledgment document in mid-August, including information regarding COVID-19 guidelines and protocols.


What are the WC Stop the Spread Health and Safety Protocols?

  • Daily checks for COVID-19 symptoms at home (and/or in the health clinic as needed)

      • This includes: fever/chills, cough, shortness of breath/difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle/body aches, headache, loss of taste/smell, sore throat, congestion/runny nose, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea

      • Anyone displaying symptoms should remain at home, contact their primary health care physician and contact the school to explain their absence.

  • Activating enhanced cleaning and sanitation measures

      • Touch points will be sanitized throughout the school day by the custodial staff

      • Doors will be propped open when possible to reduce touch points

      • Bathrooms, with reduced maximum capacity, will be sanitized twice during the school day and on second shift by the custodial staff

      • Desk tops will be sanitized everyday by the custodial staff

      • Once a week the desk tops and touch points will be sanitized on second shift with the use of electronic devices

      • Students and staff may be asked to sanitize their desks/workstations depending on class change and need

      • Buses will be sanitized at the end of their morning routes and again at the end of the school day

      • If a positive case is determined, deep cleaning will take place in all affected/potentially affected areas, including classrooms, buses, cafeteria, and common-use areas.

  • Wearing face coverings over nose and mouth to protect themselves and each other

      • We are waiting for the specific information from the governor’s new face mask order and our administrators are currently working on a face covering/mask policy for Board of Education approval. To keep everyone safe, all students and staff must have a face covering with them at school every day. In general, these will be used when students cannot be distanced from others. Instances where a student might need to put on a mask include: during the bus ride, small group learning, moving in the hallway, when a teacher needs the class to line up closely and follow one another. When students are appropriately distanced, staff may allow mask breaks as needed.

  • Proper and frequent handwashing

      • In addition to restroom access, there will be hand sanitizer available in classrooms and common areas. Students may also bring their own travel-size bottle to use. When sinks are available in classrooms, students will use soap and water as well. For younger students, the most important thing will be stressing proper handwashing. We appreciate parents helping younger students understand how to wash for a long enough time (20 seconds-singing the Happy Birthday song or ABC song); to make sure soap reaches all parts of their fingers, hands and wrists; and to fully rinse and dry hands.

  • Safely using water bottles instead of drinking fountains

      • Students and staff are permitted to bring their own water bottles to use at school each day. Drinking fountains can only be used for filling water bottles and will be sanitized throughout the day.

  • Social distancing whenever possible

      • Students and staff will be expected to spread out away from each other whenever possible. Every attempt will be made to spread desks as far apart as possible keeping learning areas at a safe distance. Each school will also have its own plan for separating hallway traffic and keeping smaller groups in the cafeteria at a time. The specific guidelines for each building will be published prior to the start of school.

      • Students will be directed not to congregate in groups in parking lots and common areas.

  • In addition, there will be signage in buses, classrooms, common areas, and entrances to remind everyone of the WC Stop the Spread Health and Safety Protocols.

How will younger children wear a mask? What about students with medical issues or special needs?

We realize that it can take time to adapt to wearing a mask. We appreciate parents doing their best to find a mask that fits their child, practice putting it on properly without assistance, and encourage their child to keep it on for a short period of time. Our staff will work with our students to help them understand the purpose of the face masks. Parents should speak with their children about the importance of wearing a mask and the proper way to wear a mask (covering your nose and mouth). This is an issue of health and respecting the health of others. Although we will work with students to become more comfortable with this change, students who do not comply could face disciplinary action. If a student has a documented medical issue or special education designation that makes wearing a mask for periods of time unadvisable, we will need to have a doctor’s note on file to excuse the student from mask-wearing. Please contact Heather Burns (District Supervising Nurse) at burns_h@westcler.org if you feel your child has a documented medical issue or special education designation that would prevent him/her from wearing a face-covering during the school day.

What about if a student or staff member is sick or tests positive for COVID-19?

Currently the district is working with the Clermont County Public Health Department to prepare guidance in the following areas:

  • Guidance on temperature checks and when to stay home from school

  • Process for someone who has had exposure to COVID-19

  • Process for what happens at school if someone exhibits symptoms of COVID-19

  • Procedures for when an individual can return after a COVID-19 illness

We will communicate this information with you once we have direction from our health department.


What will be the seating arrangements on the bus?

Students will have assigned seats (with family members kept together when possible). Each seat will be limited to 2 students and all students will wear face coverings while on the bus.

How will the Transportation Department know whether or not my child(ren) will be riding the bus?

The Transportation Department will work to balance loads as best they can based upon past ridership. A district form will be created and shared with you to request parent feedback on transportation preference (bus rider or parent drop off).

What precautions are you taking with drivers and other adults on the buses?

Drivers will wear a mask while students are boarding the bus or while facing students. Bus aides will wear masks and gloves.

What are the protocols at the bus stop?

Students will be asked to stay within family groups at the bus stop and social distance from other families.

What happens when a bus transports someone that later tests positive for COVID-19?

If a bus route has a positive case, that bus will be taken out of service for a day and thoroughly cleaned. Those riding the bus will be notified directly.

Will there be field trips this year?

No educational field trips will occur during the school day, although we do plan to get creative with virtual field trips. Athletic competition trips after school will be completed in accordance with OHSAA guidelines. Students who wish to take part in any school-approved daytime competitions (FBLA, BPA, etc.) must have signed permission forms from their parents. We will share those permission slips with those families as those events arise.


What will the cafeteria procedures be?

Elementary students will be served breakfast in their classrooms. For all school buildings, the cafeteria will be limited to 50% capacity. When needed, the eating area will expand to other areas and students may go outside during nice weather. The Child Nutrition staff will make adjustments to self-serving lines and will move to grab & go options with a limited menu.


How will the district address the social-emotional needs of students when they return to school in the fall?

Mental health and wellness in our collective transition back to school will be a primary focus in the early weeks of school and beyond. We will continue to place the social-emotional needs of our students at the forefront of every decision we make. For more information about the services that are available to our families, visit the WolfPack Hub.

Our community-based mental health providers from Child Focus and our middle and high school counselors will continue to support students and families regardless of whether or not they are choosing the Flex Model Option or the WCOA.

What will teachers focus on when students return to school? Will my child have to take a bunch of tests all at once?

The academic goals for all students will focus on essential literacy, content literacy, numeracy, and technology as a priority. Per direction from the Ohio Department of Education, we will be holding off on the standard screening and assessment schedule to give students and staff time to adjust to being back to school; therefore, after routines and procedures have been established and ample time for review has occurred, teachers will begin giving "beginning of the year" assessments that will guide their instructional plans.

How will the district support my child(ren) with technology?

Beginning in fall 2020, the district will be expanding its 1 to Wolf Program to all students K-12. As such, all students in grades K-12 will be issued a district-owned Chromebook for their use. Students in grades 1-12 will be able to take these devices home with them each day. These Chromebooks were purchased using funds the district received as part of the federal government’s Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. All students in grades K-12 will use Schoology, our district learning management system, to support their learning face-to-face and remotely.


What is the West Clermont Online Academy (WCOA)?

Students in the WCOA will remain West Clermont students but attend school full-time online supported by West Clermont teachers. Teachers will assist students with the use of the online platform, provide feedback, small group work, intervention, or communication.

Each student in the WCOA will receive a district-owned Chromebook for their use.

The content of the classes in the WCOA will be purchased by the district through a vendor and will align with the Ohio Learning Standards from the Ohio Department of Education.

While the teaching and learning style in the WCOA will be different than what students traditionally experience in a school building, the Academy will maintain our same high academic standards.

When possible, designated West Clermont teachers and staff will be assigned solely to the Academy to guide and support learning.

Most learning will take place asynchronously, which means students can engage in their learning using a schedule that works best for their family. For example, a teacher will not regularly expect students to attend "live" lessons at certain times. Instead, teachers will offer mini-lessons, make pre-recorded videos, hold office hours, and provide other "live" support when the students need it.

Parents/caregivers will continue to be a key academic support for the student.

Students must commit to participating in the WCOA for the entire semester. Students may only transition in to or out of the WCOA between semesters or during the summer break.

Students that begin the year in the Flex Model Option that wish to switch to the WCOA will be able to enroll in the Academy for 2nd semester.

How will the West Clermont Online Academy (WCOA) look differently from the Remote Learning we experienced this past spring?

The content of the WCOA is an online learning platform that we purchased that aligns to Ohio’s Learning Standards. This option is a partnership between school and home. Students in the WCOA will not follow the exact pacing or participate in the same learning activities as those students in classes at a school building; although, a West Clermont teacher will facilitate the learning process with support from a family parent or caregiver. In grades K-5, students may be provided paper materials to support the online learning process.

If we choose this learning option but it does not work, can we change?

Parents may change their child’s learning plan at the end of the semester for any reason. Families will need to make a choice prior to the start of school whether their child will participate in WCOA or in-class learning. If an extraordinary circumstance or health issue occurs, a student’s learning plan may change with the principal’s permission.

If we choose to participate in the Flex Model Option at the beginning of the year can we switch to the WCOA during the school year?

Parents may change their child’s learning plan at the end of the semester for any reason. Families will need to make a choice prior to the start of school whether their child will participate in WCOA or in-class learning. If an extraordinary circumstance or health issue occurs, a student’s learning plan may change with the principal’s permission.

Will students on Reading Improvement and Monitoring Plans or those receiving intervention services from a Reading Specialist, Intervention Specialist, English Language Learner teacher also receive these services in the WCOA?

We will work to provide students with these academic supports as needed, no matter what option they choose - the Flex Model Option or the WCOA ; although the service delivery may have to be modified in an online environment.

If a student enrolls in the West Clermont Online Academy, will he/she be able to still have school pictures and be included in the yearbooks, involved in athletics, clubs and activities, etc…

Yes. Students in the West Clermont Online Academy are still a part of the West Clermont learning community.

Will there be breakfast and lunch provided for students in families enrolled in the WCOA?

Yes, breakfast and lunch will be available to order for those enrolled in the WCOA. Pick up of those meals will need to be scheduled with the cafeteria in advance. There will be more information to come on this. Students will pay the regular breakfast and lunch prices unless they qualify for free or reduced prices.

When is the deadline to apply to the West Clermont Online Academy? (ADDED 7.30.20)

The deadline to apply to the West Clermont Online Academy (WCOA) is Tuesday August 4th at 9:00 PM. Please click the link to apply: West Clermont Online Application Form

I tried to enroll my student in the WCOA but I did not receive a confirmation email. How can I ensure my application was received? (ADDED 7.30.20)

Confirmation Process: A district communication will be sent by Saturday, August 8 asking families that applied for WCOA to make a commitment to the program for the 1st semester of the 2020-21 school year. Families must commit no later than Wednesday, August 12. If you have not received an email from the district by the end of the day on August 8, please contact the WCOA at WCOA@my.westcler.org. Also, do not forget to check your email spam folder!

Will the WCOA be staffed by West Clermont teachers? (ADDED 7.30.20)

Yes. WCOA will be facilitated and monitored by West Clermont teachers and staff.

Who is the online curriculum provider? (ADDED 7.30.20)

The online curriculum provider for WCOA is Accelerate Education which is aligned to national and state standards. Parents will have real-time access to see their child’s learning expectations, experience, and progress.

What can my child expect to experience during an online learning day, and what is the role of a parent or guardian? (ADDED 7.30.20)

Students will experience direct instruction via videos, animation, or the online WCOA teacher. They will then engage in some guided practice before being assessed on the skill. Assessments will vary depending on the grade level and course. K-5 students will do some of their practice work in a provided Accelerate Education workbook. Students will also have an opportunity to engage with their teacher virtually for 1:1 weekly check-ins and in small groups with other students as needed.

More details about a daily schedule can be found below:

K-5: Generally, students will be expected to complete 5.5 hours of instruction daily. An elementary student usually does more than just academic subjects. They spend time talking and communicating about things that they are learning. They take breaks in the form of recess and lunch. Breaks are vital because it helps students process what they are learning and not get overwhelmed. Therefore, providing time in the day to talk about what a student is learning will help them remember concepts being learned and provide them with a better chance of success towards mastery. In order for an elementary student to maintain this type of daily schedule, it’s critical that an adult is home in order to maintain a learning structure and provide opportunities for conversation about what they are learning.

For more information about how you can construct your K-5 child’s daily schedule, click here.

6-12: For a middle school or high school student, it should be expected that they spend approximately 45-60 minutes per subject and likely more time for advanced courses. Please encourage them to take a couple of 10-15 minute breaks and be sure they take a more extended break for lunch for about 30 minutes. Although this age group is more independent, it is still important to check in with your student regularly and have conversations about what they are learning. Be sure they are staying on task and pace and have discussions to help keep them organized and stay on task if needed.

How much interaction will my child have with other students and the teacher online? (ADDED 7.30.20)

The teacher will check in with your child via video conference on a regular basis which may mean daily interactions at the elementary level and weekly interactions at the middle/school level. Teachers will also hold office hours where families can join them online to ask questions and receive on-demand support. Online opportunities for students to work in small groups with the teacher will vary depending on the grade level and course.

What supplies do we need to purchase? (ADDED 7.30.20)

The lists of school supplies can be found within the Accelerate Education Course Catalog. Lists by grade level and/or subject will be compiled in the upcoming weeks.

What online courses are offered through the WCOA? (ADDED 7.30.20)

Please click the links for course catalog:

You can access a more detailed catalog by clicking the following link: Accelerate Education Course Catalog

Are College Credit Plus courses offered through the WCOA? (ADDED 7.30.20)

No. Students that have been accepted for on-campus courses through Cincinnati State or University of Cincinnati Clermont should check for online offerings through the university. The CCP courses offered at WCHS are only offered face-to-face, unless the district moves to the 50% capacity or full remote option. Students that choose WCOA may attend one or more periods during the day if they want to continue to take CCP courses at WCHS. All-In Plan students will receive priority over WCOA students.

Can students on IEPs receive services while enrolled in the WCOA? (ADDED 7.30.20)

Students who are entitled to instructional and related services through an IEP or 504 Accommodation Plan who choose to enroll in the virtual classroom learning will receive supports and services necessary to the greatest extent possible. IEP and 504 teams, including parents, will be required to convene an appropriate meeting to consider supports and services necessary to ensure the district meets the student’s individual needs. IEP teams will determine what special education and related services will be provided in accordance with the student’s individual IEP, based on the instructional delivery model that is selected by parents (i.e. face-to-face or virtual classroom). It is important to note that IEP services intended to be provided within the school environment may not be able to be replicated in the virtual setting. Special education instruction and related services will be provided in accordance with the individual student IEPs either virtually or face-to-face, as determined appropriate by the IEP team.

Can students participate in band and chorus in the WCOA? (ADDED 7.30.20)

Yes, students can participate in courses on campus, but the students who are attending class full-time on campus will be given first priority. WCOA students will also be given the opportunity to participate in extracurriculars. Please watch for updates from your building principal regarding activities.

If a student is enrolled in the WCOA, will they still be assigned to a traditional homeroom teacher in their “home” school? (ADDED 7.30.20)


If a student is enrolled in the WCOA, and we decide to return to in-person school at the semester, will we know in advance which teachers they would be assigned to before making that decision? (ADDED 7.30.20)

If you decide to enroll your student for in-person schooling for the second semester, you will find out who your child’s homeroom teacher and/or subject-matter teachers will be after making that decision and in advance of your child’s first day back in the school setting.

What if we signed our child up for the WCOA, we change our mind before the school year starts? (ADDED 7.30.20)

All families must make their final commitment by Wednesday, August 12th.

Will attendance be taken within the WCOA? (ADDED 7.30.20)

Yes. Generally, students will be expected to complete 5.5 hours (K-5) or 6 hours (6-12) of instruction per day. Hours could include online activity within the learning management system, projects or contact with WCOA teachers.

Will students/parents in the WCOA receive technology support? (ADDED 7.30.20)

All West Clermont students will receive a district owned Chromebook device. Parents will provide internet access. Parents will have access to technology support for the district owned device, including repair services, through the West Clermont Technology Department.

PLEASE NOTE: Devices issued by the district should only be serviced by the West Clermont Technology Department.

Can my student attend the Gifted Learning Center if they are part of the WCOA? (ADDED 7.30.20)

Yes, if a 4th or 5th grade student was scheduled to attend the Gifted Learning Center during the 2020-2021 school year he/she will be permitted to attend the GLC on the scheduled days. Parents will be required to provide transportation and students will be required to follow all required safety protocols.

What happens if my child wants to enroll in WCOA and a course they want is not offered? (ADDED 7.30.20)

If a course is not offered in the online academy (i.e. Band, etc) the student may attend face-to-face if there is room in the course section for that student. Flex Model Option students will receive priority over WCOA students. *Please note that if a course is offered in the online academy, the student must take it through WCOA.

What if I start with face-to-face and want to change to WCOA? (ADDED 7.30.20)

Students will stay in the format that they start the year in for an entire semester. If you start face to face and want to move to WCOA, you will have an opportunity to move at the end of the first semester which is January 15th, 2021.

Can WCOA students participate in “brick & mortar” events, athletics, and extracurriculars? (ADDED 7.30.20)

Yes. Families will still receive communication from their school about school events, etc. and students are encouraged to participate.


Will there be honors courses, AP courses, and CCP courses for high school students that are enrolled in the WCOA?

Yes, there will be high school honors courses and Advanced Placement (AP) courses offered in the WCOA. Once more details are finalized, we will communicate the availability of all courses in the WCOA.

How does WCOA affect students' GPA and class ranking?

Students enrolled in a WCOA course that would have received weight in a face-to-face setting (i.e. honors, AP, etc) will receive the same weight.

Will there be elective courses offered in the WCOA?

Students are able to participate in elective courses while enrolled in the WCOA. If a course is not offered through the WCOA and a student would like to participate (i.e. band) a student may attend school face-to-face if space allows. In this scenario, first priority would be given to students attending school in the Flex Model Option. In some cases, WCOA may offer electives that are not offered in the Flex Model Option. Additional courses in that elective course sequence are not guaranteed to be offered by West Clermont in future school years.


Will students share common supplies?

Most learning activities involve students using their own supplies. Any shared supplies are cleaned between each child’s use.

How will the school handle recess?

Grade levels stay together at recess. We clean recess equipment daily. Dressing appropriately for weather is a critical concern as students go outside for recess as long as the surface conditions are deemed safe and the temperature (including wind chill) feels like 28 degrees or warmer.

Students sanitize their hands after recess.

Will visitors and parent volunteers be allowed in the buildings?

Volunteers have long provided incredible support to our West Clermont classrooms. However, at this time, in order to limit the number of people that students and staff encounter, visitors and volunteers are not allowed in the building. Exception are made for an essential function like elementary library support.

Support personnel from Child Focus, HealthSource of Ohio, university students, etc. are considered staff members and follow all necessary guidelines and protocols that apply to district staff.


Will kindergarten have a staggered start like we have had in previous years?

Yes, there will be a staggered start for our kindergarteners and we look forward to welcoming them to our school! Building principals will communicate with incoming families about the date their child will start school, along with other helpful, start-of-school information.

Will there be back-to-school nights?

Family events will be virtual and information will be shared digitally. In the rare situation that requires a parent or student to be physically present (for example, to drop off medication), those visits will be by appointment with the WC Stop the Spread Health and Safety Protocols in place.

What can we expect for students who will be transitioning to new buildings?

It’s an exciting time for our students entering new buildings and we know that our students entering pre-school, kindergarten, 6th grade and 9th grade will need to have additional information to start their school year in a new school. To help acclimate them to a new building and schedule, school will start for students in these grades on Monday, August 31 with special programming planned to help support the transitioning process.

How will the district handle large group gatherings, such as athletics?

We follow OHSAA guidelines for sporting events and practices and we abide by the maximum number of people allowed to congregate as defined by the governor’s executive order. We use large spaces (weather permitting) with the WC Stop the Spread Health and Safety Protocols in place.


Where can I find the most up-to-date district information for students and parents?

The WolfPack Hub, located at www.westcler.org/hub/ is your one-stop-shop for information and it can be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

What will happen when a student or staff member tests positive for COVID-19?

Communication regarding staff or students who test positive for COVID-19 follows the recommendations from the Clermont County Public Health Department while maintaining privacy according to guidelines, such as FERPA and HIPAA.

The district is committed to transparency and efficient notification to students, staff, families, and community members about both the number of confirmed positive student or staff COVID-19 cases as well as the number of confirmed individuals in quarantine due to potential COVID-19 exposure.

As such, here is a breakdown of our communication flowchart whenever we are notified of a positive case:

  1. A general notice is sent to both families and staff in the building to notify them of a positive case. This is a general notification to make everyone in the school building aware of the confirmed positive case. It does not mean that the person receiving the notice (or the student) needs to quarantine.

  2. Another email is sent to only those classrooms, buses, etc. affected by the positive case so that both families and staff know they or their child might have been exposed. It does not mean that the person receiving the notice (or the student) needs to quarantine.

  3. If a staff member or student is identified through contact tracing as being a "close contact," the staff member, parent, and/or student would be directly contacted (in person or through a phone call) letting that person know which specific person is required to quarantine. Only individuals who have been in close contact with the person testing positive will be contacted directly and given directions on the quarantine process. According to Clermont County Public Health, a "close contact" is defined as someone who has been within 6 feet of an individual for more than 15 minutes during a 24-hour period. Only those students or staff that receive this third notice are required to quarantine.


Will there still be Extended Day at the elementary schools?

For more information concerning Extended Day, please contact Child Focus or visit their website here.

Will students in classrooms that are not air conditioned be required to wear masks?

All district classrooms across all of our school buildings are air-conditioned.