



❖ KumPhaMas (กุมภมาศ)....Thai Mung Bean Custard Cake

❖ KumPan (กุมภัณฑ์)..............Thai Giant

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Sterilized KumPhaMas

  • Original preservation iron tray from Phetchaburi.

  • Inspired from a yogurt lid.

  • Transparent plastic to show the Thai Giant carving inside.

On top of the product

  • A Thai Giant carving art.

  • Transparently see from the package lid.

『 Product Details

KumPhaMas KumPan : Gigantic Thai Mung Bean Custard with 6 different flavors (Corn, Thai tea, Taro, Coconut, Lotus seeds, Toddy palm)

1 pieces per box

Price : 70 ฿

Net weight : 300 g

Theme : Thai traditional

Customers : Suitable for all ages and genders

Why KumPhaMas KumPan? : KumPan (Thai Giant) is frequently represented for "Thainess". This is why seeing KumPan on products is usually recognized as Thai products globally. With this inspiration, we've decided to use KumPan as a symbol for our products. According to Kumpan as a Thai Giant, we've made our product approximately 1.5 times larger than usual KumPhaMas (Thai Mung Bean Custard Cake).


Main Ingredients : Mung Beans, Eggs, Coconut Milk, Pandan, Palm Sugar

Additional Ingredients in each box : Corn, Thai tea, Taro, Coconut, Lotus seeds, Toddy palm


กชภาส ไพศาลนันท์

เลขที่ 9

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จารุวิทย์ แสงประดับ

เลขที่ 13



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ชนะภัย พรมนิยม

เลขที่ 14

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ณัช กอตระกูลสิน

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ดีดี ประดิษฐกุล

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สุพล ตั้งศิริพัฒน์

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