
Focus can be really challenging, especially when we have so many distractions around us. How do you stay focused when your noisy cat wants to hang out in your room or watching dancing turtle YouTube videos just sounds way too fun? Here are some ways to help your brain stay focused on your school work!

Exploring The Pomodoro Method

Have you ever heard of The Pomodoro Method? It's awesome and will help you stay focused and manage your time!  The Pomodoro Method was developed by Francesco Cirillo, a graduate student who was trying to come up with a better way to to get his homework done.  He decided to set a kitchen timer, do his homework with short breaks and then repeat until his studying was done.  Francesco chose 25 minute time blocks (called Pomodoros), with five-minute breaks in between . After 3-4 Pomodoros, he took a longer 20-30 minute break. And guess what? This worked so well that he wrote a best-selling book!

If you don't have a kitchen timer nearby, just use this website:

Pomodoro Technique Explanation

Click on the blue buttons below for some awesome Focus Apps!