Gifted & Talented
Gifted and Talented Education (GATE)
The Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program of Mustang Public Schools is an
integral part of our commitment to provide for the unique needs, interests, skills, and
talents of identified gifted students. We believe identified gifted and talented youth need
differentiated instructional strategies, materials, and expectations which take into
account their special abilities and potential. The gifted and talented program should
contribute to each student’s development in the areas of talents and abilities,
self-concept, social acceptance, and skills related to independent study, research,
creativity, performance, critical thinking, and problem-solving.
GATE is intended to enhance and enrich experiences in regular classrooms providing
an expansion of the existing curriculum. The development of lifelong learning is the
purpose of GATE as students are challenged to develop their abilities for both personal
fulfillment and significant contributions to society.
Definition of Gifted and Talented Students:
“Gifted and talented students” refers to those students identified as having
demonstrated potential abilities of high-performance capability, requiring differentiated
or accelerated curriculum or educational programs. For the purpose of this definition,
“demonstrated abilities of high-performance capability” refers to those students
identified by scoring in the top three (3) percentile on any nationally standardized
intellectual ability assessment. This definition may also include students who excel in
one or more of the following areas:
● creative thinking ability
● leadership ability
● visual/performing arts ability (subject to audition)
● specific academic ability (i.e., accelerated classes, honors curriculum and AP
Definition of Gifted and Talented Programs:
“Gifted and talented child educational programs” means those special instructional
programs, supportive services, unique educational materials, learning settings, and
other educational services which differentiate, supplement and support the regular
program in meeting the needs of the gifted and talented child.” (70. O.S.1210.301)
Opportunities are provided for students to be considered for placement in gifted and
talented programming throughout their school experiences. Procedures used in the
identification process are non-discriminatory with respect to race, economic
background, national origin, or handicapping condition. Identification procedures are
uniformly implemented and communicated to the entire school staff through distribution
of the “Gifted and Talented Education Plan,” posted on the district website at or a written copy may be obtained from each school site and the
Mustang Public Schools Administration Building. Central office personnel, site
principals, counselors, and the GATE instructors will assist staff with questions and
referral procedures. Instructionally useful information about individual students obtained
during the identification process is communicated to the appropriate personnel,
irrelevant of placement or non-placement.
Categories and State Funding:
Students with Demonstrated Abilities of High-Performance Capability (Category I)
Those students identified by scoring in the top 3 percentile on any nationally
standardized intellectual ability assessment as defined by state statute may be eligible
for placement in the GATE program. Weighted state funding is provided for these
students. Initial group assessment will occur in grades two and four.
Students Identified Based on Multi-criteria (Category II)
Students identified based on district approved multi-criteria as specified in the plan may
also be eligible for placement in the GATE program. Weighted state funding provided
for students served in the GATE program is restricted. This funding is applicable for a
maximum of 8% of the district’s “average daily membership” or ADM. The restriction is
for weighted state funding only. The district may serve any number of students who
may qualify.
School professionals, parents, peers, and the students themselves may make
nominations for gifted and talented identification. Nominations for any student in grades
K -12 will be made to the counselor(s) or GATE teacher of the appropriate site. Data
will be collected on the referred student and may include, but is not limited to, scores on
standardized ability and/or achievement tests, student grades within specific academic
areas, project portfolios, gifted education nomination inventory and other information as
appropriate. Referral information and a signed “parent permission to evaluate” form will
be forwarded to the director of instructional programs.
Students entering the school district who have been placed in a gifted and talented
program in another district will automatically be screened for placement in the GATE
program and will be placed if the student meets the criteria established by Mustang
Public Schools. Additional testing may be administered if necessary to meet the
established district criteria for placement.
Additional Testing:
Parents have the right to request, in writing, a subsequent nationally standardized
intellectual ability assessment. In the event a parent desires an additional evaluation,
the test must be a nationally standardized test of intellectual ability and may not
replicate previous student testing. It must be secured through another source or agency
in order for the district to consider it valid. This evaluation will be at parent expense.
Category I
● A score in the top 3 percentile on any nationally standardized intellectual ability
assessment, according to the law of the State of Oklahoma, results in automatic
placement into appropriate gifted programming options with parental approval.
Category II
● Student placement decisions in the capability areas will be based on multiple
● Uniform identification procedures will be used to identify students for specific
gifted educational programming options.
● To allow for the unbiased assessment of all cultural and economic backgrounds,
a placement decision will be based on referral, performance, appropriate
checklists, and other relevant information. The coordinator of gifted education
may authorize the use of alternative assessment procedures when appropriate
for a student.
● Placement will be made in programming options appropriate to the student’s
educational needs, interests, and/or abilities with parental approval.
● Placement in talented programs is subject to annual auditions.
Placement and Notification of Parents/Guardians and Teachers:
Parents or guardians will be notified in writing of test results and/or eligibility for
placement in the gifted and talented program. With parent/guardian permission,
placement will be made in program options appropriate to the student’s educational
qualifications, needs, interests, and/or abilities.
When a child qualifies for placement in the gifted program based on the results of any
nationally standardized intellectual ability assessment, a placement conference may be
held with the school staff and parent prior to placement. Parents may request
conferences or consultation as desired.
Either the school counselor, GATE teacher and/coordinator of gifted education shall
notify teachers in writing of those students who will be served in the GATE program.
Teachers serving these students shall be assisted through professional development
training opportunities designed to assist in accommodating the needs of these students.
Questions regarding referral, screening, testing, and placement of students should be
directed to the school counselor or director of instructional programs. Appeals,
questions, or concerns regarding placement of students should be made in writing to
the coordinator of gifted education of Mustang Public Schools.
Review of Progress:
The progress of students in the gifted program is assessed with attention to mastery of
content, higher-level thinking skills, and creativity. At the elementary level, upon
completion of units of study, student portfolios will be sent to parents which may be
accompanied by an informative non-graded evaluation with comment. Additional
communication with parents may occur as needed throughout the school year.
For students placed in academic team competitions, the appropriate teachers will report
student progress and/or group accomplishments.
For students placed in the talented program by participation in selected groups of vocal,
instrumental, visual, and performing arts, the appropriate teachers will report progress
and/or group accomplishments to the parent.
Removal from Program:
Students may be removed from a program which is not meeting their educational needs
following a conference which includes the student’s parent(s), teacher(s), and
administrative representative(s).
Students whose needs are not being met by current placement will be considered for
other programming options which may be more appropriate to their needs.
The parent of a gifted program student will be given the option to complete an “Exit
Interview” form when:
● student participation in all GATE program options is refused
● removal of the student from GATE program options is desired
This form will allow parents the opportunity to express in writing the reason(s) for
non-participation by their student in the district program options. Students may not
enter/exit of the GATE program within a school calendar year, unless extenuating
circumstances deem interrupted attendance to be appropriate. Should an interruption
of GATE participation occur, a conference with a parent/guardian, classroom teacher,
and GATE teacher will preface such program interruption.
Regular Classroom Assignment Modifications:
Identified gifted students should not be penalized for participation in elementary GATE
classes and activities. Every effort should be made by regular classroom teachers and
administrators to:
● avoid presenting new concepts
● post assignments presented in order for students to be aware of content covered
● schedule tests around GATE time
● exempt students from daily practice and/or drill work, including homework,
completed or assigned during a student’s GATE time.
● ensure GATE students are not given additional homework
● ensure GATE attendance is not associated with behavior and/or homework
Differentiated education includes multiple programming options and curriculum which is
modified in pace, breadth, and depth. Programming options are coordinated to guide
the development of gifted and talented students from the time they are identified
through graduation from high school. Student placement in programming options is
based on qualifications, abilities, needs, and interests. Gifted and talented educational
programming is an ongoing consideration of the school curriculum and schedule.
Curriculum for the gifted and talented is an extension of the regular curriculum. It is
differentiated in content, process, and/or product. Delivery of the curriculum may be
traditional, synchronous, asynchronous, or a combination of methods depending on the
enrollment of the student. Instructional practices for gifted and talented students stress
creativity, performance, and higher-level thinking skills. Gifted and talented students
may also be served informally through various school organizations and clubs, which
pertain to their specific needs, interest, and abilities.
Gifted and talented educational programming may include:
● GATE resource room access for identified gifted elementary students for a
specified time once a week
● individualization of instruction for a focused or specific educational need
● proficiency-based promotion for any student who scores 85% or above or above
grade level on designated assessments in all core curriculum areas
● differentiated or enriched classes including differentiated and/or accelerated
content designed for qualified students
● mutually agreed upon independent study or contracted in-depth study of a
specified topic, course, or unit of study
● continuous progress/acceleration of content and pacing of curriculum and
instruction which is matched to the students’ abilities and needs. Students move
ahead on the basis of content mastery
● cross-grade grouping providing opportunity for a student to work in an advanced
grade level setting with one or more students sharing a similar readiness for the
learning task and performance expectation
● provision of opportunities for identified gifted students to serve as resident topic
or unit of study experts within the regular classroom setting
● academic and talent competition participation such as local, regional, state, or
national contests in a variety of areas such as science fairs or other academic
and fine arts competitions
● guidance and counseling sessions and activities to assist identified gifted
students in planning their course selections for future academic and career
● advanced curriculum in mathematics
● STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics) night where
students and their families participate in various activities
● career fair
● GATE class for 5th and 6th grade students
● Accelerated course work utilizing inquiry approach with teaching strategies
considered best practice for accelerated classes
● Engineering Fair participation
● Duke University Talent Identification Program (TIP) for any student meeting TIP
● field trips for enrichment in areas not emphasized in the regular curriculum
● Advanced Placement Courses providing high school students the opportunity to
receive college credit by examination as delineated by the Advanced Placement
Program of College Board
● concurrent college enrollment for qualified students enabling them to
concurrently take college coursework while attending high school
● guidance and counseling sessions and activities to assist identified gifted
students in planning their course selections for future academic and career
pursuits specifically utilizing the Pre-ACT/ACT and/or PSAT/SAT assessments
● STEM Block class with dual math and science credits for one class
According to district policy, the disclosure of information contained in a student’s
educational record is limited except by prior written consent of the student’s
parent/guardian or the legally-eligible student or under certain limited circumstances as
permitted by the Family and Educational Rights and Privacy Act. Records of placement
decisions and data on all nominated students are kept on file for a minimum of five
years or for as long as needed for educational decisions.
Qualifications and Responsibilities of Gifted and Talented Educational
Program Staff:
A teacher of the gifted and talented shall hold a valid Oklahoma Teaching Certificate
appropriate to the certificate credential and grade level(s) included in the program.
All teachers whose duties include direct involvement with gifted/talented students shall
participate in professional development, workshops, seminars, conferences, and/or
college training designed to educate/assist them in the area of gifted and talented
Gifted and talented education program coordinators shall hold a valid Oklahoma
Teaching Certificate. They shall also participate in professional development,
workshops, seminars, conferences, and/or college training designed to educate/assist
them in the area of gifted and talented education.
Responsibilities of School District and Local Board of Education in Providing
for a Gifted and Talented Program:
The local Board of Education is responsible to provide gifted and talented educational
programs for all eligible gifted and talented children who reside in the district. This
differentiated education will include multiple programming options which shall be
carefully matched with students’ identified needs, interests, and abilities.
The district shall submit a Gifted and Talented Child Count, a Gifted and Talented
Educational Plan Update, a Summary Budget, and a Gifted and Talented Expenditure
Report to the State Department of Education by state determined deadlines each year.
Annual Evaluation of Gifted and Talented Program:
The local school district shall conduct an annual evaluation of the gifted and talented
program. To aide in this evaluation, surveys shall be conducted of students, staff, and
parents. The evaluation process will assess each component of gifted programming
education which will include, but will not be limited to:
● identification
● professional development
● curriculum
● instructional program
● program management
● evaluation process
Evaluation findings are to be compiled, analyzed, and communicated to appropriate
groups. Results of the annual evaluation conducted by the district should be taken into
consideration when devising program improvement plans.
Local Advisory Committee:
For the purpose of meeting the duty of each school district as set forth in Section
1210.307 of Title 70 of the Oklahoma Statutes, each district board of education shall
create a local advisory committee on education of gifted and talented children or expand
the duties of a curriculum advisory committee for the district to assist the district on
gifted and talented programs. If the district creates a local advisory committee for gifted
and talented children it shall consist of at least three but no more than eleven members.
The district board shall appoint all members, at least one-third (1/3) of whom shall be
selected from a list of nominations submitted by associations whose purpose is
advocacy for gifted and talented children. The committee shall be broadly
representative of the community. The committee shall be appointed no later than
September 15 of each school year for two-year terms and shall consist of parents of
children identified as gifted and talented and community members who may be but are
not required to be parents of students within the district. At the first meeting the
committee shall elect a chair and a vice-chair. If the district utilizes the curriculum
advisory committee, it shall appoint at least one member who is a parent of a child
identified as gifted and talented or is a knowledgeable advocate for gifted and talented
A meeting of the local advisory committee or the curriculum advisory committee shall be
called by the district superintendent no later than October 1 of each year for the purpose of addressing gifted and talented program issues. The advisory committee or curriculum
advisory committee may meet at other times during the year as is necessary in meeting
space furnished by the district. The district shall furnish staff for the advisory committee.
All meetings of the committees shall be subject to the provisions of the Oklahoma Open
Meeting Act.
District administrative personnel will compile and prepare the budget for gifted
educational programming in conjunction with the superintendent and the Local Gifted
Advisory Committee. The budget will be compiled on forms required by the State
Department of Education and will be submitted per the established guidelines. The
budget will be approved by the Board of Education before filing with the State
Department of Education.
Expenditures Report:
An expenditures report for the previous school year will be submitted by the
superintendent to the State Department of Education as required. This report will
outline the expenditures made by the district for gifted and talented educational
programming. The report will identify expenditures by major codes and program
classifications pursuant to the Oklahoma Cost Accounting System.
Revised September 12, 2022