First & Second Grade at Weller

In Primary grades at Weller, our priority is to develop students' social skills and character through Soul Shoppe, as well as language skills through SEAL (Sobrato Early Academic Language). We will be focusing throughout the year on cross-curricular learnings to build connections between Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, and Mathematics, as well as Physical Education and Social Emotional Learning. We will explore these subject areas through hands-on, collaborative learning experiences, writing, and reading together.

If you're interested in helping grow Room 110's library of books and center activities, here is a link to our wish list!

About Mrs. Alvarez

Having completed my own schooling in Milpitas Unified School District--I'm a product of both Thomas Russell Middle School and Milpitas High School--I am excited to create a positive learning experience in an environment which not only encourages learning among students, but teachers as well. I completed my Bachelor of Arts in Integrated Educational Studies at Chapman University in Southern California, followed by a Master of Arts in Teaching at Santa Clara University, through which I completed my student teaching in MUSD in a second grade and fourth/fifth grade combo class. The 2023-2024 school year is my eighth year teaching in Milpitas, but first at Weller, and I am so excited to work within such a wonderful and supportive community.

I enjoy being outdoors and staying active; hiking, running, and weight lifting are some of my favorite ways to relieve stress, and I love to travel to new places. My son just turned one this summer, so spending time with him as he grows and develops in early stage of life has been so incredible!

Daily Routine

110 Schedule.pdf

Drop off & Pick up: All Primary grades will be picked up and dropped off in the front valet area this year. Students should arrive before the 8:00 a.m. bell!

Morning Meeting: This time is incredibly special! It's where our classroom community checks in with each other, has a chance to share about ourselves and have fun, while creating space to address kudos and concerns. It is imperative that students arrive to school on time to take part in this start to the day.

Lunch: Students will receive lunch free of charge if they order it at the beginning of the day... no paperwork necessary!

Homework: Homework will be discussed at Back-to-School night. We will start homework after that date!

Joseph Weller Elementary

345 Boulder St.

Milpitas , CA 95035 


MUSD District Office 

1331 East Calaveras Blvd.  

Milpitas, CA 95035
