Google Classroom

πŸ’» Computer Directions πŸ’»

πŸ’» Login to Google Classroom & Join Your Class:

Log in to Google Classroom on a Computer.mp4

πŸ’» View Assignments:

Viewing Assignments on the Computer.mp4

πŸ’» Complete and Submit Assignments:

πŸ‘‰ Google Docs or Google Slides Assignment...

Follow the directions in the video below to complete a Google Docs or Google Slides assignment.

How to complete a Google Doc or Google Slides assignment on the computer.mp4

πŸ‘‰ Draw or Type on a PDF Assignment...

You can use Kami to draw or type on a PDF file that your teacher has assigned to you. Read more below:

- KAMI -

If your assignment includes a PDF file, you can complete it using the Kami Google Chrome Extension on your computer.

πŸ’» Turn In vs. Mark as Done:

For an assignment, you will see either a β€œMark as done” button or a β€œTurn in” button.

The difference is whether or not you are submitting a file as an attachment.

πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ If you are not attaching a file, you still need to choose 'Mark as done' so that your teacher knows that you completed the assignment.