
Bagels and Books

Summer Reading Reward Party

As a reward for completing the Summer Reading Program done in conjunction with the local public libraries, students are invited to attend an ice cream party and book raffle in late September.

Children’s Book Week

Children’s Book Week is a time set aside for educators, librarians, booksellers and families to celebrate children’s books and the love of reading. The library sponsors a “Design a Bookmark” contest and various fun activities are done in library class each day.

Author Visit

Each year an author visits Mt. Sinai Elementary School during Children’s Book Week.

Are there any authors that you would like to see visit our school? Let Ms. O'Reilly know and she will do our best to get them here!

Kindergarten Reading Night

During the fall Kindergarten students and a parent are invited to school in the evening for a night of reading. Children (and teachers!) are encouraged to dress in their pajamas and bring a blankie to the festivities.

Second Grade Reading Night

During the winter second graders and a parent are invited to an evening of reading at the school. Children dress in their p.j.’s and read with their parents from the numerous books provided by the library.

Third Grade Reading Night

In the spring the third graders and a parent meet in the courtyard for a Reading Campout! Everyone gathers around a (fake!) fire, we sing a few songs together, and then spend some quiet time reading.

At each of the reading nights the teachers and the librarian read stories to the children and their parents from PowerPoints on a large screen. Also at each event, the PTO thoughtfully provides snacks for everyone.

National Library Week

National Library Week is celebrated each year in April. Here at Mt. Sinai Elementary school we do a myriad of activities including guess the “secret reader”, “Poem in your Pocket Day”, roaming readers from the Middle School, and a school wide library-themed contest. We culminate the week with a school-wide reading session.

Third and Fourth Grade Book Club

The first half of the school year 3rd graders meet for Book Club and 4th graders meet in the second half. Students gather in the library before school to talk about the exciting books they are reading. Ms. O'Reilly is the club facilitator for 3rd grade and Mrs. Carney is the book club facilitator for 4th grade.