

  • Go to https://kahoot.com

  • Click SIGN UP or LOG IN (if you want, you can use your Mt Sinai Google account)



Every so often you will be asked to upgrade to a paid version... always find and choose CONTINUE FOR FREE

The FREE version includes:

  • Multiple choice and picture answer options (great for littles!)

πŸ‘‰ START FROM SCRATCH (scroll down to see how to search for premade Kahoots)

  • At the top-right, click CREATE

  • Choose KAHOOT

  • Choose CREATE again

  • Enter a TITLE and choose a THEME

Choose from the FREE section

  • Click the X to close the THEME when done

  • You will now see the QUESTION TYPE options showing up

  • Each question can have it's own settings

  • We have a free account, so you can only add multiple choice questions, T/F questions, or an informational slide

  • On the slide, start typing your first quiz question and add 2-4 answer choices

  • Your changes will be saved automatically as you go

  • CHECK the correct answer(s)

  • At the bottom-left, click ADD QUESTION

  • Continue to add your questions

  • Drag and drop questions to change their order, if needed


With a free account, you can easily add animated GIFS or videos to each question.

If you want PICTURES, you have to first save them to your computer

  • First, go to GOOGLE and find the picture(s) that you want and save them in a folder on your computer

  • Then, click the + to add a picture

  • Choose UPLOAD IMAGE to find the picture on your computer and bring it onto your slide

  • Continue for the other slides

When ready, click SAVE and DONE


  • Click LIBRARY

  • Here you will see all of the Kahoots that you have made or saved

  • Find the Kahoot that you want to use

  • You have two ways to PLAY...

    • ASSIGN: students can login and play during their own time (Centers, HW, etc.)

    • START: play right away with your students in the classroom

  • Choose START

  • Choose CLASSIC MODE (students will compete against each other)

** Players who answer the quickest and get the most correct answers will have higher scores

  • Students can now open the Kahoot app (Gr. 1-6 Chromebooks) or go to www.kahoot.it (Gr. 7-12 laptops) and type in the unique kahoot game pin... press START when all students have joined


  • Click REPORTS for detailed info about how your class or individual students performed


  • Click DISCOVER

  • Find an activity by clicking filters, searching by keyword or by choosing a subject

  • Avoid kahoots that say K!+ access pass or Purchase as those are not free

  • Click on an activity to preview it

  • Scroll down to see all of the questions

  • Click on an individual question to see the answer choices


    • Press the STAR to save the activity

    • It will be added to your LIBRARY under FAVORITES


  • If you want to make changes to the questions of a premade Kahoot, first SAVE the activity (see above)

  • Then go to the LIBRARY and find the activity in the FAVORITES section

  • Click on the PENCIL button

(You may be prompted to 'duplicate' the activity)

(Some activities may be 'uneditable' so the pencil icon will not appear)

  • You will now be able to EDIT the activity...

  • Your questions are on the left

  • You can duplicate, delete or drag to change the order of them

  • Click on a slide to EDIT a specific question

  • You can click on an answer choice to change it

  • You can click on the picture to remove it and bring in a new one


  • On the right side, click the X to close the THEME

  • The QUESTION TYPE settings will now appear

  • Click on slide 1 and then change the time, question type, etc.

  • Click on slide 2 and repeat for the rest of the slides