Celebrate! Teaching and Learning at MRU

May 4, 2023
Riddell Library and Learning Centre
& Ross Glen Hall

Join the Celebration!

The Teaching Learning Committee of GFC invites you to join us on May 4, 2023, for Celebrate! Teaching & Learning at MRU. Honour, and be inspired by, our collective work in the pursuit of MRU’s vision to provide meaningful and engaged learning opportunities that create individual transformation and societal benefit.

The Celebrate! event is a great opportunity for faculty, staff, students, and administrators to share significant moments, or sources of inspiration, from their teaching and learning experiences at Mount Royal University.

When & Where

Date: May 4, 2023
Time: 9 am - 5:30 pm
Locations: Riddell Library and Learning Centre & Ross Glen Hall

Become a Presenter

Call for proposals is now closed.


Being a teacher isn't easy, but MRU faculty excel at it every day. As a presenter, engage your peers and the community by teaching us about the struggles and successes that come with reaching excellence in teaching.


MRU has many great services with amazing staff that contribute to teaching and learning everyday. Become a presenter to share your contributions and stories of expertise, innovation and collaboration. 


Our students are those willing to participate, be leaders, and make change. We want to be inspired by your experiences of learning and the journey you've taken as a student at MRU.