Web Resources

for Research


The CIA World Factbook

Provides information (geographic, economic, political) on countries of the world. Also included information on the world’s oceans and reference maps.

Old Farmer's Almanac

Fun and practical information for everyday life, including moon calendars, planting charts, recipes, weather predictions and more.



Free access to nearly 200,000 reference entries from sources you can cite. Plus, more than 50,000 topic summaries feature related pictures, videos, topic summaries, and newspaper and magazine articles from around the world.

Referencia Latina

A comprehensive Spanish-language database offers content from a variety of sources including thousands of encyclopedia entries, an inclusive collection of images, an atlas, health reports, a Spanish-English dictionary and full text for reference books and general interest magazines in a broad array of subject areas."

Information Please

This site includes a comprehensive encyclopedia, general almanac, sports almanac, entertainment almanac, dictionary, and much more.


Merriam Webster’s Dictionary

Allows full search of dictionary and thesaurus materials.

Dictionary.com / Thesaurus.com

Millions of English definitions, spellings, audio pronunciations, example sentences, and word origins offered in a fun, interactive environment. Thesaurus.com provides users with over 550,000 synonyms and a suite of tools that simplify the writing process.


JSTOR Daily is an online publication that contextualizes current events with scholarship. Drawing on the richness of JSTOR’s digital library of more than 2,000 academic journals, thousands of monographs, and other materials, JSTOR Daily stories provide academic background for understanding our world.