Katie Hamm

Email: khamm@anesu.org

Phone: 802.453.7481


I was born in Lansing, Michigan and lived there through first grade. My family then moved just 15 miles South of Lansing to a small town called Mason where I spent the rest of my grade school career. My dad is math teacher so I really did not get much of a break school wise over the summer. My two sisters and I would spend every summer doing math problems and reading lots of books because my dad wanted us to keep our brains active! I also grew up playing lots of basketball, volleyball, and even flag football.

My favorite teacher was a science teacher that I had in High School who really took the time to get to know me, learn my interests, and build a positive relationship with me. He inspired me to pursue a science field in college because he made his activities engaging and relevant to all his students.

I met my husband in college and after we got married we moved from Michigan to Vermont, where he grew up. I had never lived more than 15 miles away from home so this was big change for me, but I love everything about Vermont! My favorite things about Vermont are the amazing views and all fun adventures you can have outside. My husband and I live in Jericho with our two children, Josiah who is 3 and ½ years old and Nora who is 2. I love spending time with them and watching them learn new things everyday. We spend lots of times outdoors, exploring nature, playing at parks, and eating maple creemees. Activities that I enjoy doing are running, reading, and journaling.