Social Factors and Implementation of Innovations in Organizations

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*Frank, K.A., *Kim, J., Salloum, S., Bieda, K. Youngs, P. 2020. From Interpretation to Instructional Practice: A Network Study of Early Career Teachers’ Sensemaking in the Era of Accountability Pressures and Common Core State Standards. American Educational Research Journal. * Equal first authors.

Reddy, S. M., Torphy, K., Liu, Y., Chen, T., Masuda, Y. J., Fisher, J. R., Galey, S., Burford, K. Frank, K.A., & Montambault, J. R. 2019. How Different Forms of Social Capital Created Through Project Team Assignments Influence Employee Adoption of Sustainability Practices. Organization & Environment, 1086026619880343.

Frank K.A., Lo Y., Torphy K., Kim J. 2018. Social Networks and Educational Opportunity. pp 297-316 in Schneider B. (eds) Handbook of the Sociology of Education in the 21st Century. Handbooks of Sociology and Social Research. Springer, Cham

Penuel, W., Lin, Qinyun, Frank, K.A. 2018. Building Networks to Support Effective use of Science Curriculum Materials in the Carbon TIME Project” for Networked by Design: Interventions for Teachers to Develop Social Capital edited by Susan A. Yoon and Kira J. Baker-Doyle. Routledge.

*Frank, K.A., and *Xu, Ran. .2018. Implementation of Evidence Based Practice in Human Service Organizations: Implications from Agent-Based Models. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. 37(4): 4867-895. *Co-equal first authors.

Masuda, Yuta J., Liu, Y., Reddy, S.M.W., Frank, K.A., Burford, K. 2018. Informal boundary spanners for intraorganizational innovation diffusion for sustainability. Nature: Sustainability, 1: 190-197.

Kim, J., Youngs, P. and Frank, K., 2017. Burnout contagion: Is it due to early career teachers' social networks or organizational exposure?. Teaching and Teacher Education, 66, pp.250-260.

Wilhelm, A.G., Chen, I.C., Smith, T.M. and Frank, K.A., 2016. Selecting Expertise in Context Middle School Mathematics Teachers’ Selection of New Sources of Instructional Advice. American Educational Research Journal, 53(3), pp.456-491.

Frank, K.A., Penuel, W.R., Krause, A 2015. What is a “Good” Social Network for Policy Implementation?: The Flow of Know-How for Organizational Change. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management.

Frank, K.A. Lo, Y., Sun, M. 2014. “Social network analysis of the influences of educational reforms on teachers’ practices and interactions.” Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft. Volume 17 , Issue 5, supplement: 117-134. Related ppt: What We Know About Teacher and Administrator Networks for BNU 8-14-14

Sun, M., Penuel, W., Frank, K.A., and Gallagher, A. 2013. “Shaping Professional Development to Promote the Diffusion of Instructional Expertise among Teachers”. Education, Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 35(3), 344-369

Sun, M., Frank, K. A., Penuel, W. R., & Kim, C. M. 2013. How external institutions penetrate schools through formal and informal leaders. Educational Administration Quarterly, 49(4), 610-644.

Frank*, K.A., Penuel*, W.R., Sun, M. Kim, C., and Singleton, C. 2013. “The Organization as a Filter of Institutional Diffusion. Teacher’s College Record. *Authors listed alphabetically – equal authorship. Volume 115(1).

Penuel, W.R., Sun, M., Frank, K.A., & Gallagher, H.A. 2012. Using social network analysis to study how collegial interactions can augment teacher learning from external professional development. American Journal of Education, 119(1), 103-136.

Spillane, J., Kim, Chong Min, Frank, K.A. 2012. “Instructional Advice and Information Providing and Receiving Behavior in Elementary Schools: Exploring Tie Formation as a Building Block in Social Capital Development.” American Educational Research Journal. Vol 49 no. 6 1112-1145

Youngs, P., Frank, K.A., Thum, Y.M., & Low, M. 2012. The motivation of teachers to produce human capital and conform to their social contexts. In T. Smith, L. Desimone, & A.C. Porter (Eds.), Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education: Vol. 110. Organization and effectiveness of high-intensity induction programs for new teachers (pp.248-272). Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.

Frank, K.A., Zhao, Y., Penuel, W.R., Ellefson, N.C., and Porter, S. 2011. Focus, Fiddle and Friends: Sources of Knowledge to Perform the Complex Task of Teaching. Sociology of Education, Vol 84(2): 137-156.

Penuel, W. R., Frank, K.A., Sun, M., and Kim, C. 2012. Teachers’ Social capital and the Implementation of Schoolwide Reforms. Pages 183-200 in Sean Kelly, Editor. Understanding Teacher Effects. New York: Teachers’ College Press.

Youngs, P., Frank, K.A., and Pogodzinski, B. 2011. The Role of Mentors and Colleagues in Beginning Elementary and Middle School Teachers’ Language Arts Instruction. Chapter 8 in Sean Kelly, Editor. Understanding Teacher Effects. New York: Teachers’ College Press.

Penuel, W.R., Frank, K.A., and Krause, A. 2010. Between Leaders and Teachers: Using Social Network Analysis to Examine the Effects of Distributed Leadership. Pages 159-178 in Alan J. Daly editor. Social Network Theory and Educational Change. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Penuel, W. R., Riel, M., Joshi, A., & Frank, K. A. 2010. The alignment of the informal and formal supports for school reform: Implications for improving teaching in schools. Educational Administration Quarterly, 46(1), 57-95.

Penuel, W., Riel, M., Krause, A., & Frank, K. A. 2009. Analyzing Teachers' Professional Interactions in a School as Social Capital: A Social Network Approach. Teachers College Record Vol 111 Number 1.

Zhao, Y., Lei, J., & Frank. K. 2005. Theoretical Innovation and Empirical Testing: Research Design in Educational Technology. In Li, F. L. (ed). Research Methods in Computers for Education (jisuanji jiaoyu yanjiu fangfa). Beijing, China: Beijing Normal University Press.

Zhao, Yong, Lei, Jing and K.A. Frank. 2006. “The Social Life of Technology: An Ecological Analysis of Technology Diffusion in Schools. Pedagogies. Vol. 1 (2): 135-149.

Zhao, Y., Frank, K., & Ellefson, N. (2006). Fostering Meaningful Teaching and Learning with Technology pages 161-179 in Floden R. & Ashburn, E. (Eds.). Meaningful Learning Using Technology What Educators Need to Know and Do. Teachers College Press.

Frank, K. A., Zhao, Y., and Borman (2004). Social Capital and the Diffusion of Innovations within Organizations: Application to the Implementation of Computer Technology in Schools." Sociology of Education, 77: 148-171.

Frank, K. A. and Zhao, Y. (2005). "Subgroups as a Meso-Level Entity in the Social Organization of Schools." Chapter 10, pages 279-318. Book honoring Charles Bidwell's retirement, edited by Larry Hedges and Barbara Schneider. New York: Sage publications.

Zhao, Y. and Frank, K. A., (2003). "An Ecological Analysis of Factors Affecting Technology Use in Schools." American Educational Research Journal, 40(4): 807-840.