Representation of Social Structure

Representation of Social Structure

I have developed crystalized sociograms in which subgroups (or communities or clusters or compartments) are embedded within the visualization. I also test for evidence of clusters using monte Carlo simulations (Frank, 1995, 1996). For related articles, see:

Frank. K.A. 1995. Identifying Cohesive Subgroups. Social Networks (17): 27-56

Frank, K. 1996. Mapping interactions within and between cohesive subgroups. Social Networks 18: 93-119.

Frank, K. A. and Yasumoto, J. 1996. "Embedding Subgroups in the Sociogram: Linking Theory and Image". Connections 19 (1): 43-57 .

Frank, K.A. & Yasumoto, J. 1998. "Linking Action to Social Structure within a System: Social Capital Within and Between Subgroups." American Journal of Sociology, Volume 104, No 3, pages 642-686

Frank, K. A. and Zhao, Y. (2005). "Subgroups as a Meso-Level Entity in the Social Organization of Schools." Chapter 10, pages 279-318. Book honoring Charles Bidwell's retirement, edited by Larry Hedges and Barbara Schneider. New York: Sage publications

Frank, K.A., Muller, C., Schiller, K., Riegle-Crumb, C., Strassman-Muller, A., Crosnoe, R., Pearson J. 2008. “The Social Dynamics of Mathematics CourseTaking in high school.” American Journal of Sociology, Vol 113 (6): 1645-1696. ppt

Frank, K.A., Muller, C., Mueller, A.S., 2013. The Embeddedness of Adolescent Friendship Nominations: The Formation of Social Capital in Emergent Network Structures. American Journal of Sociology, Vol 119(1):216-253. Media hits: Atlantic; Huffington Post; Huffington Post (Op-ed); US News and World Report; Yahoo; Health Day; RedOrbit; The Times of India; MSUToday: Psych Central: Positions and Promotions; Deccan Chronicle: wood radio: Fox Chicago: local news channels (south Carolina): Science Daily; National Science Foundation


code for ensemble estimation

models for ensemble estimation

*Field, S. *Frank, K.A., Schiller, K, Riegle-Crumb, C, and Muller, C. (2006). "Identifying Social Contexts in Affiliation Networks: Preserving the Duality of People and Events. Social Networks 28:97-123. * equal first authorship.

Jaeger-Miehls, A. L., Mason, D. M., Frank, K.A., Krause, A. E., Peacor, S.D., and Taylor, W.W. 2009. Invasive species impacts on ecosystem structure and function: A comparison of Oneida Lake, New York, USA, before and after zebra mussel invasion. Ecological Modeling.

Jaeger-Miehls, A. L., Mason, D. M., Frank, K.A., Krause, A. E., Peacor, S.D., and Taylor, W.W. 2009. Invasive species impacts on ecosystem structure and function: A comparison of the Bay of Quinte, Canada, and Oneida Lake, USA, before and after zebra mussel invasion. Ecological Modeling.

Krause, A., Frank, K.A., Mason, D.M., Ulanowicz, R.E. and Taylor, W.M. (2003). "Compartments revealed in food-web structure." Nature 426:282-285

Krause, A.E., Frank, K.A., Jones, M.L., Nalepa, T.F.,Barbiero, R.P., Madenjian, C.P., Agy, M.,Evans, M.S., Taylor, W.W., Mason, D.M., Leonard, N.L. 2009. “Adaptations in a Hierarchical Food Web of Southeastern Lake Michigan.” Ecological Modeling. Vol 220 (22): 3147-3162.

Shaffer, David Williamson, David Hatfield, Gina Navoa Svarovsky, Padraig Nash, Aran Nulty, Elizabeth Bagley, Ken Frank, André A. Rupp, Robert Mislevy. 2009. Epistemic Network Analysis: A Prototype for 21st-Century Assessment of Learning. International Journal of Learning and Media 1(2):33-53.

In this visualization, lines represents a course (square) taken by a student (dot) as obtained from high school transcripts. The clusters represent local positions in which there is a concentration of coursetaking. Adolescents (female) were influenced in subsequent course taking by the current math levels of members of their local positions (Frank et al 2008) and all adolescents were more likely to nominate new friends from within their local positions than from another local position (Frank et al., 2013).