Environmental Sociology

Chung, M. G., Herzberger, A., Frank, K. A., & Liu, J. 2020. International tourism dynamics in a globalized world: a social network analysis approach. Journal of Travel Research, 59(3), 387-403.

Chung, M. G., Kapsar, K., Frank, K. A., & Liu, J. 2020. The spatial and temporal dynamics of global meat trade networks. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 1-10.

Chung, M.G., Herzberger, A., Frank, K.A., Liu, J. (Accepted) .“International Tourism Dynamics in a Globalized World: A Social Network Analysis Approach. Journal of Travel Research

Herzberger, A., Chung, M.G., Kapsar, K., Frank, K.A., Liu, J. (Accepted). “Telecoupled food trade affects pericoupled trade and intracoupled production.” Sustainability.

Guthrie, A.G., Taylor, W.W., Muir, A.M., Frank, K.A., Regier, H.A. (2019). The role of a binational organization in developing ecosystem-based management in the Great Lakes basin. .Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management. 1-17.

Reddy, S. M., Torphy, K., Liu, Y., Chen, T., Masuda, Y. J., Fisher, J. R., Galey, S., Burford, K. Frank, K.A., & Montambault, J. R. (2019). How Different Forms of Social Capital Created Through Project Team Assignments Influence Employee Adoption of Sustainability Practices. Organization & Environment, 1086026619880343.

Masuda, Yuta J., Liu, Y., Reddy, S.M.W., Frank, K.A., Burford, K. (2018). Informal boundary spanners for intraorganizational innovation diffusion for sustainability. Nature: Sustainability, 1: 190-197.

Kramer, D.B., Mitterling, A. and Frank, K.A., 2016. Understanding Peer Influence in Hunter Harvest Decisions Using Social Network Theory and Analysis. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, pp.1-13.

Stevens, K., Frank, K. A., & Kramer, D. B. (2015). Do Social Networks Influence Small-Scale Fishermen's Enforcement of Sea Tenure?. PloS one,10(3), e0121431.

Kalafatis, S. E., Lemos, M. C., Lo, Y. J., & Frank, K. A. (2015). Increasing information usability for climate adaptation: The role of knowledge networks and communities of practice. Global Environmental Change, 32, 30-39.

Moore, J.A., Xu, R., Frank, K., Draheim, H. and Scribner, K.T., 2015. Social network analysis of mating patterns in American black bears (Ursus americanus). Molecular ecology, 24(15), pp.4010-4022.

Thomas Dietz , Kenneth A. Frank, Cameron Whitley, Jennifer Kelly, Rachel Kelly.Political Influences on Greenhouse Gas Emissions from U.S. States. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. June 15 2015. Media hits.

Responses re: causal inference

Frank, K.A., Chen, I-Chien., Lee, Youngmi; Kalafatis, Scott; Chen, Tingqiaol; Lo, Yun-jia; Lemos, Maria. 2012. Network Location and Policy-Oriented Behavior: An Analysis of Two-Mode Networks of Co-authored Documents Concerning Climate Change in the Great Lakes Region. Policy Studies Journal. Volume 40, Issue 3, pages 492–515.

Recent ppt relating networks to beliefs about lake levels and freeze-thaw cycles in the Great Lakes.

Liu W, Vogt CA, Luo J, He G, Frank K.A, et al. (2012) Drivers and Socioeconomic Impacts of Tourism Participation in Protected Areas. PLoS ONE 7(4): e35420. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0035420.

Chen, Xiaodong, Frank, Kenneth A. Dietz, Thomas, and Jianguo Liu. 2012. Weak Ties, Labor Migration, and Environmental Impacts: Toward a Sociology of Sustainability. Organization & Environment. Vol. 25 no. 1 3-24.

Frank, K. A., S. Maroulis, D. Belman, and M. D. Kaplowitz. 2011. The social embeddedness of natural resource extraction and use in small fishing communities. Pages 309-332 in W. W. Taylor, A. J. Lynch, and M. G. Schechter, editors. Sustainable fisheries: multi-level approaches to a global problem. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland.

Frank, K.A. 2011. Social Network Models for Natural Resource Use and Extraction. Social networks and natural resource management: Uncovering the social fabric of environmental governance. Pp. 180-205. Örjan Bodin & Christina Prell editors. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

N. J. Leonard, W. W. Taylor, C. I. Goddard, K. A. Frank, A. E. Krause & M. G. Schechter. 2011. Information Flow within the Social Network Structure of a Joint Strategic Plan for Management of Great Lakes Fisheries, North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 31:4, 629-655. Available: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02755947.2011.603651

Frank, K.A., Mueller, K., Krause, A. and Taylor, W. (2005). "The Intersection of Global Trade, Social Networks, and Fisheries." Pages 385-423 in Globalization: Effects on Fisheries Resources, William Taylor and Michael G. Schechter and Lois Wolfson editors. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Mueller, Katrina B., Taylor, William W., Frank, K. A., Robertson, John M. and Dennis L. Grinold 2008. “Social Networks and Fisheries: the Relationship between a Charter Fishing Network, Social Capital and Catch Dynamics.” North American Journal of Fisheries Management. Vol 28(2): 447-462.