Adolescent Social Contexts in Schools

Adolescent Social Contexts in Schools

I am part of the AHAA project that supplements the Add Health Data base with information from high school student transcripts. With Sam Field, I adapted my clustering algorithm to two-mode data (e.g., students and courses)

Frank, K.A., Muller, C., Schiller, K., Riegle-Crumb, C., Strassman-Muller, A., Crosnoe, R., Pearson J. 2008. “The Social Dynamics of Mathematics CourseTaking in high school.” American Journal of Sociology, Vol 113 (6): 1645-1696. ppt

Frank, K.A., Muller, C., Mueller, A.S., 2013. The Embeddedness of Adolescent Friendship Nominations: The Formation of Social Capital in Emergent Network Structures. American Journal of Sociology, Vol 119(1):216-253. Media hits: Atlantic; Huffington Post; Huffington Post (Op-ed); US News and World Report; Yahoo; Health Day; RedOrbit; The Times of India; MSUToday: Psych Central: Positions and Promotions; Deccan Chronicle: wood radio: Fox Chicago: local news channels (south Carolina): Science Daily; National Science Foundation


code for ensemble estimation

models for ensemble estimation

*Field, S. *Frank, K.A., Schiller, K, Riegle-Crumb, C, and Muller, C. (2006). "Identifying Social Contexts in Affiliation Networks: Preserving the Duality of People and Events. Social Networks 28:97-123. * equal first authorship.

Barrett, Jennifer; Pearson, Jennifer; Muller; Chandra; Frank, K.A. 2007. “Adolescent Religiosity and School Contexts Social Science Quarterly, Vol 88(4): 1024-1037.

Crosnoe, Robert; Riegle-Crumb, Catherine; Field, Sam; Frank, K.A.; Muller, Chandra. 2008. “Peer Group Contexts of Girls' and Boys' Academic Experiences.” Child Development. Vol. 79(1): 139 – 155.

Crosnoe, Robert, Anna Strassman-Mueller, and Frank, K.A. 2008. “Gender, Body Size, and Social Relations in American High Schools.” Social Forces 86: 1189-1216.

Mueller, A.S., Pearson, J. Muller, C., Frank, K.A., Turner, A. 2010. Sizing Up Peers: Adolescent Girls’ Weight Control and Social Comparison in the School Context. Journal of Health and Social Behavior. 51(1) 64–78

Muller, C., Riegle-Crumb, C., Schiller, K.S., Wilkinson, L., Frank, K.A. 2009. Race and Academic Achievement in Racially Diverse High Schools: Opportunity and Stratification. Teachers College Record Vol 112 (4) 4-5 .