GLG 201 The Dynamic Earth Lab

Course Description

Physical and chemical processes related to the past, present and future behavior of the earth system, and the energy systems that drive these processes. A study of the earth's materials, the earth's surface and the earth's interior.

Key teaching duties

The key teaching duties that I performed while instructing this class included:

  • Coordination of other teaching assistants
  • Syllabus and lesson development, including:
    • Labs generating a synthesis between igneous rocks, global plate tectonics and volcanism
    • Economic geology as a capstone lesson incorporating multiple previous lab assignments
  • Creation and implementation of weekly, formative assignments, and mid-semester and end of semester summative assessments
  • Instructed students in hand sample description and identification of:
    • sedimentary rocks
    • metamorphic
    • igneous rocks
    • rock forming minerals
  • Instructed students in the use of topographic maps and satellite images
  • Provided instruction to students on identification of sedimentary structures, glacial topography, and fluvial morphological structures
  • Provided instruction in the use of in-class models to demonstrate principles of groundwater movement