Compact Objects in Michigan 5

Michigan State University

Date: Friday, March 24, 2017

Location: Michigan State University (Natural Science Bld., Room 304)


The goal of this conference is to bring together researchers from around the Michigan area who are working on topics related to black holes, neutron stars, and white dwarfs. This meeting includes a day of short talks, with time for discussion after each, as well as regular coffee breaks and lunch. Similarly to previous meeting, COiM 5 is designed to provide students and postdocs the opportunity to give talks in a friendly and informal environment, as well as to promote new and existing collaborations.


Talks will be ~16 minutes each with ~4 minutes for questions. Talk schedule: here.


Talks will be preferentially given to students/postdocs. If you would like to give a talk, please include titles and abstracts when you register.


Registration is now closed. If you still wish to register, please contact Sam Swihart, Registration is FREE.


We have visitor parking passes that will be given preferentially to those who are carpooling. If you would like a parking pass, please send an email to Sam Swihart ( including the number of people in your vehicle and your mailing address so we can snail-mail them to you. For those who do not receive a visitor pass, there are a number of nearby parking garages for daily paid parking that will run ~$15-20/day.

Contact info:

If you have any questions, or if you are having trouble registering, please email Sam Swihart: