Mexico's History

Intro Video Clip - Mexico - 4 min.

Intro Video Clip - Mexico - 8 min.

History of Mexico

History Channel - article history of Mexico - start at Middle History

Cry of Delores

Delores, Mexico

(Located at the blue balloon. Where is it compared to the nation's capitol?)

Miguel Hidalgo

The leader of the rebels, gave the speech:

"Cry of Delores"

watch Biography clip

read p 277

(Start with paragraph, "In 1803...")

continue reading p 278 'The Cry of Delores' section

Miguel Hidalgo in the Cry of Delores

Miguel Hidalgo was beheaded and his head was hung in a cage as an example to prevent others from rebelling. The rebel arny continued, but some stopped because they were scared.

This hook is where Miguel Hidalgo's caged head hung from.

Jose Morelos

He leads the army after Hidalgo's death.

Morelos was also captured and killed.

Many rebels were losing hope.

Continue reading p 279 'Independence at Last'

and first paragraph p 280.

Iturbide and the Plan of Iguala

(also known as the Plan of Independence) p 280

*Had to force the Spanish Officials to sign it.

What were the three promises of the Plan of Iguala?





Read p 281 (first 2 paragraphs)

Emporer Iturbide (Mexico City)

What is a republic?

Many presidents gained and lost power often in Mexico's history because the leaders did not work together to solve the problems of poverty and debt that the nation had. Rebellions occurred frequently.

Watch: Seeing Delores, Mexico as a tourist

on your own time: (more tourist sights, in Spanish, but the sights are still spectacular)

Locate Mexico City on your map.

Watch: Seeing Mexico City as a tourist

on your own time: More on Mexico City

Day 3

Review from day 2 by watching:

Mexican Independence Day with current celebrations

North American Intervention or Mexican American War


Read p 282 'The Texas Rebellion'

Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna

Watch his monologue

On your own: brief biography

1st President of Mexico

He was the president 11 times, in and out of presidency as the power changed.

Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna

The Alamo (click to learn more about The Alamo on your own)

San Antonio, TX

(Locate it on the map. Where is it compared to Mexico?)

US/Mexico border changes

Watch: Alamo: History of the border

Texas Revolution & Mexican American War

The North American Intervention

Conflict between Mexico and the United States

Mexico calls it the: North American Intervention

(Intervention is when a country interferes with what is happening in another country)

The U.S. calls it the: Mexican American War

map of Mexican war

Read p 282-283 'The North American Intervention'

Watch (first 3 minutes only) Mexican American War 1/6

If this interests you, continue your learning. Watch the clips that we did not see in class on your own.

US troops landed at Veracruz, Mexico

(Locate Veracruz on the map. Where is it compared to Mexico City?)

Watch (6:45-8:02 & 8:58-end) Mexican American War 5/6

Watch (first 4 minutes, until to be continued) Mexican American War 6/6

If this interests you, continue your learning. Watch the clips that we did not see in class on your own.

watch Veracruz DVD clip

Guadalupe Hidalgo peace treaty

p283 'A Bitter Defeat'

On your own: Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Review of day:

Brainpop: Mexican - American War (Santa Anna/Alamo)

login: menomonie_5 password: brainpop

--Watch video

--Complete quiz (to review as a class or with partners/groups, if time - could do dry erase boards, behind wood podium)

Benito Juarez is pictured on the 20 pesos bill.

Reforms p 285

War of Reform/Civil War

-church had lots of control and still has some today

-religious people put down the poor

Reformers and Catholics fought. Reformers want to see positive change in Mexico.

Reformers won in 1861!

Mexican Civil War and Revolution

French Intervention

Those that did not support Juarez and the reformers contacted France to come into Mexico.

Battle of Puebla 1862 (Cinco de Mayo)

Battle of Puebla took place on 5 May 1862 near the city of Puebla during the French intervention in Mexico.

Discover Puebla, Mexico (near Mexico City)

History Channel: Cinco de Mayo

Mexicans won at Puebla & Juarez named it a national holiday

The French ended up winning the war and ruled for about 4 years.

Juarez and his army were able to take control again after the French military left Maximillian in Mexico and went back to Europe.

Battle of Puebla

Battle of Puebla reenactment short

Battle of Puebla reenactment

__ (part of smart notebook file - non green one)

Other leaders fought against each other -

Leadership of Mexico changed from a Dictatorship that did nothing to help the poor to leaders that did much to help the poor.

Mexican Revolution: Brain Pop


Pancho Villa starts about 5minutes

Constitution of 1917

Made Mexico a democracy (power comes from the people)

Divided land up and gave to the poor.

Does not allow foreigners to control Mexico's natural resources.