Thursday At Home

Today, you will be studying the same topics that will be covered in class today. The assignment is a bit long, but please complete as much of it as possible. On Friday, the entire class should have received the same information. I will be able to answer any questions when you are in class on Friday.

PART 1: Introduction to eBooks and Audiobooks at Skowhegan Area High School. Please watch the following video (2:28 minutes). When you have finished, answer the questions about it. Thank you!

PART 2 - Introductory exploration of the Digital Maine Library

Watch the following video (5:05 minutes) about using the Digital Maine Library (DML). When you have finished, visit the DML at You will then need to answer the questions on the form, which you will find below the video.

PART 3: The best ways to use a specific DML database. Please watch the following video (11:04 minutes). When you have finished, please answer the questions on the form below the video. Thank you!