School Wide Rubrics

School-wide rubrics

School-wide rubrics are an assessment of how the students are doing over the period of time in grades 9-12. Penquis Valley's school-wide rubrics are tied to the Mission and Learning Expectations. The rubrics are required as a part of the portfolio process.

What is a rubric:

Common advantages and disadvantages of rubrics types:

Steps to creating a scoring rubric:

Variety of subject specific rubrics:

Models for all rubrics are an important part of the process. Collection of and display of models is a next step in the use of rubrics. Please consider keeping models for each level of your rubrics. Request students sign and date their work and give you permission to use their work online. Students may give their work a Creative Commons copyright to allow future use.

1. Portfolio rubrics

a. Reflections for pieces of work rubric

b. Senior night presentation rubric

c. When needed, an alternative option is pre-approved, missing work replacement requirements and rubrics on (portfolio site)

2. Research rubric - meets Learning Expectations #1, 2, & 5 and is used in all content areas.

Use of the four rubrics below support and facilitate using to the research rubric

a. Pre-search rubric

b. Essential question rubric

c. Note taking rubric

d. Annotated bibliography rubric

3. Presentation formats - each rubric supports but does not meet all of Learning Expectation #1

Students need a chance to "meet standards" in several of these formats

a. Writing rubric

b. Oral presentation rubric

c. Poster rubric

d. Powerpoint rubric

e. Video

f. Web page

g. Multi-formated

4. Growth - meets Learning Expectation #4

1. Health habits

2. Physical growth

3. Social/Emotional growth

5. Participation - meets Learning Expectation #3

1. Class participation rubric

2. School participation

3. Community participation

Mission Statement:

Penquis Valley School offers a quality education and encourages students to be lifelong learners.

Academic Expectations for Student Learning

1. Demonstrates multiple ways of communicating knowledge through reading, writing, oral presentations, technology, quantitative expression and the arts. The student can read and write effectively to express his/her ideas. The student can understand, interpret, and present knowledge in a variety of ways using materials from multiple sources.

Rubric AC #1a, #1b, #1c,#1d, #1e, #1e, #1f

2. Demonstrates competent decision making and problem solving. The student independently and effectively observes situations, defines problems and seeks resources to develop and evaluate solutions, then assesses the process.

Rubric AC #2

3. Demonstrates collaborative skills. The student contributes to group process and works well with others demonstrating reliability, attentive listening and flexibility. The student also acknowledges his/her own strengths and the strengths of others.

Rubric AC #3

4. Demonstrates a development of personal health habits, including regular exercise, that enhance their own physical and emotional growth. The student shows evidence of monitoring their own fitness, appropriate nutritional intake, and the ability to address health and safety concerns.

5. Demonstrates partnerships in learning and research skills. The student shows evidence of forming productive links using resources across the curriculum and beyond the school setting.

Rubric AC #5

Civic and Social Expectations

6. Demonstrates good citizenship. The student recognizes the role of the individual in the democratic process

and is aware of issues affecting community, school, region, country, and world. The student participates in community service activities.

7. Demonstrates an open-mindedness in social, civic, and academic situations. The student appreciates and articulates the value of diversity in social and civic settings and exhibits a willingness to undertake a challenging range of studies.