The Hallway

The hallway leading to the gymnasium from the cafeteria was filled with artwork from students, mostly from elementary schools. Half pictures-half hand-drawn portraits, pictures done with watercolors, colored paper cutouts, self portraits, black and white drawings, and more covered the walls the entire way down.

Please enjoy this view of the artwork proudly displayed down the length of the hallway!

Nature of the Arts- hall

To view the artwork, click the play button in the bottom left-hand corner. You can change how long images are up for using the auto-advance menu under the cog wheel, and you can go full screen using the square (both of which are on the right-hand side of the gray bar at the bottom).

If you are having trouble viewing the slideshow in full-screen, please try this link instead. The slides will auto-advance every 5 seconds, and it will begin playing as soon as it has loaded.