The Change Agents

  Making positive changes in our community!

Questions you might have...

What's our purpose? 

Through visionary discussions and projects, Change Agents for the Future empowers student voice by providing a safe, encouraging space to share ideas and take action. Our members will not only learn about change agents, but will become one through student-led projects as they research, design, and implement a plan to bring about systemic change within our school and community to positively impact their lives and others around them. 

What is a change agent?

A change agent is someone who is looking towards to making changes in their community, whether they're small or big changes. They are determined and will do what it takes to see a positive shift in the community.

How do I become a change agent?

To become a change agent, you can reach either Mr. Schaffer or Ms. Eckman, and inform them about your interest via email...

Change Agents Extra Information...


Vote for our Community Garden!

Change Agents Presents: 

JHS 123 & MS337 Communty Garden

This holds all of the change agents events that have taken place since the 2019-2020 school year up to the 2022-2023 school year. 

 Throughout the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 school year, change agents have held events/drives in the school to help the community. 

Click on the following project/event to learn more information.

Previous Projects

Future Projects

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