Mrs. Dyer's 5th Grade Classroom

Welcome! I am excited to get the 2020-2021 school year underway! Although this will be a year of "different" I am looking forward to many fun days ahead!

*Please note this website is a "working document" things will be added and updated frequently*


Hello! I am Mrs. Dyer. This will be my 16th year teaching and 14th year at Lincoln Trail. I love teaching in the same school district that I grew up in! I have two daughters, Brooklyn (12) and Brenna (8.5), a son, Braxton (2 in December), and my husband, Ben. I am an '05 ISU Graduate and I have a Master's Degree in Instructional Strategies from Rockford College. I enjoy being outside, swimming, and shopping.

Some of my favorites:

  • Volleyball (playing, watching, and coaching)
  • Coffee
  • The Beach
  • Cubs
  • Illini

Please read below to learn about my classroom!

About our classroom:

We honor the 3 school rules of Be Respectful, Responsible, and Safe in our classroom and every setting in our school.

  • Students will treat each other, all teachers, and guests in our room with respect and kindness.
  • Items such as spinners, putty, slime, etc. should be left at home. Based on the educational needs of students we will handle the need for a fidget in class on a individual basis.
  • Gum is not permitted in our class.
  • Water bottles are allowed, but may be stored in a central location. We will have regular breaks where students can get drinks and use the restroom.
  • Student cell phones are not allowed in the classroom (including pockets and binders). I highly encourage students to leave these valuable devices at home, if they are brought to school they must be stored in their locker at their own risk.