Maths Dictionary Work


2. rotating(turning) obects

3. area and perimeter

4. place value avenue.

maths dictionary work.pdf

5. find a fraction of a number

6. subtract and renaming addition and subtraction.

7. Composites, factors and primes

8. averages.

9. missing number if given average

10. time difference

11.          24 hour clock

12. vertices, edges and faces

13. missing angle in triangle or four sided shape

14. tesselating shape

15. radius, diameter and circumference

16. missing number in sum

17. types of angles

18. rounding whole numbers

19. percentage of a number

20. adding or multiplying time

21. symmetry

22. multiples

23. adding or subtracting decimals

24. multiplying decimals

25. changing improper fraction to mixed number

26. changing mixed number to improper fraction

27. find the missing number in a sum.

28. adding fractions

29. subtracting fractions

30. multiplying fractions

31. ratio

32. finding whole number/ amount

33. Factors, HCF.

34. Primes and Composites

35. Squares, roots and exponents.

36 : Percentage of a number - fraction method

37: express one number as a percentage of another.

38: increase or decrease a number by a percentage.

39. ares and hectares

40. volume of object

41. add/ subtract positive and negative numbers

43. calculate the correct order of operations in a sum

44. parts of a circle - radius, diameter and circumference

45 -calculate interest on loans and total repaid back

46 - profit and loss

46 - percentage profit and loss

47 - calculate chance

Mental Maths 5