Mosquito Control News & Health Information

The Health Risks of Mosquito Borne Illnesses

Mosquito-borne illnesses kill more people around the globe each year than any other animal. Malaria alone kills nearly half a million people each year, most of them children 5 and under. Millions more suffer illnesses that can be debilitating. In the United States, we are lucky to be free of the worst diseases. Malaria hasn’t been a concern in the U.S. since 1951 when a concerted effort resulted in the elimination of the disease. But other diseases remain active.

The most prevalent human disease carried by mosquitoes in the U.S. is West Nile virus. Thankfully, infections are usually mild, and many people may not even know they had the virus. But in some cases, there can be severe complications leading encephalitis or meningitis. Horses are also susceptible to West Nile virus, and the disease is usually more severe than in humans.

While humans are at low risk of mosquito-borne illness in the U.S. your furry friends are at much higher risk. The most dangerous mosquito-borne infection for dogs is heartworm. Mosquitoes pick up heartworms when they bite an infected animal. Common carriers include wild canine species such as foxes and coyotes, which often live in close proximity to humans. When an infected mosquito bites a dog, the infection is transferred. It may take weeks for symptoms to begin. But once the heartworms start to mature and spread, they can cause severe illness and even death if your pet isn’t treated quickly. This is why all pets need mosquito control.

Quality Mosquito Control For Mosquito Borne Diseases

Most people think of mosquitoes as a nuisance. Their bites can leave an itchy welt that lasts for several days. If you’ve been in a heavily mosquito-infested area, you may end up with bites all over your body. The combined itching and soreness can be maddening, to say the least. But the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) point out that mosquito bites aren’t just about the itch. Mosquito-borne diseases range from asymptomatic infections to severe and even fatal reactions.

The most common mosquito-borne disease in the Continental United States is West Nile virus. La Crosse encephalitis and St. Louis encephalitis are less common, but can also make people sick. However, the CDC also tracks outbreaks of locally-transmitted Malaria. While outbreaks are rare and limited, the results can be deadly.

Pet owners should be especially vigilant about mosquito bites. While severe human illnesses from mosquito bites are rare, pet illnesses are much more common. Mosquitoes in the U.S. carry heartworm, a potentially deadly infection that mostly affects dogs and cats. The only way heartworms can spread is by mosquito bite, and the only way to completely protect your pet is to avoid mosquito bites. This is why mosquito control is so important and especially mosquito control in Georgia, USA.

Be MOSQUITO FREE this year with Mr. Mister Mosquito Control. Our quality service and customer care have earned us over 800 5 star reviews so contact us today to learn how we can help you live mosquito free.