Seyoung Lee

Staff Engineer, Samsung Research AR Lab, 2023.03 -

Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering @ Movement Research Lab, Seoul National University, 2017.09 - 2023.02 

B.S in Computer Science and Engineering, Seoul National University, 2014.02 - 2017.08


Learning Virtual Chimeras by Dynamic Motion Reassembly 

Seyoung Lee, Jiye Lee, and Jehee Lee

ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2022), Volume 41, Issue 6.

Learning a family of motor skills from a single motion clip

Seyoung Lee, Sunmin Lee, Yongwoo Lee, and Jehee Lee

ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2021), Volume 40, Issue 4.

Learning predict-and-simulate policies from unorganized human motion data

Soohwan Park, Hoseok Ryu, Seyoung Lee, Sunmin Lee, and Jehee Lee

ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2019), Volume 38, Issue 6.

Interactive Character Animation by Learning Multi-Objective Control

Kyungho Lee, Seyoung Lee, and Jehee Lee

ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2018), Volume 37, Issue 6.