What is Community Based Learning?

Community Based Learning (CBL) is a popular course at Montpelier High School that affords students the opportunity to access community based resources and experiences to enhance learning. Students meet regularly with their CBL advisor to reflect on their experience and the knowledge, understandings, and skills they are developing through it. During the first several weeks of the semester, students explore their interests through conversations, interest inventories, and reflection. CBLs are driven by student voice and choice. Typically, students’ experiences fall into three categories:

Work-Based Learning

Job shadows and traditional intern opportunities with professionals in the workplace in order to learn more about a specific career

Community-Based Personal Studies

Similar to an independent study, students explore specific topics in order to learn something they typically don’t have access to at MHS. The study may be conducted using community resources including Community Partners. These can also focus on wellness and executive skill building experiences

Service-Based Learning

Volunteer work on a project that benefits our community