Positive RElationships

Begin your day with an introduction. Who are you? Why do you choose to guest teach? What's something personal you might share? 

It is helpful to prepare a slides presentation to support your introduction.  Here you will find fun templates to try on this page.

Activities to Integrate: 

Resources to Review: Positive Relationships.mp4 

Positive Relationships.mp4

Conflict resolution

Resolve conflicts fluently and consistently

Approach to Use: 

  • Cool Off-Take a deep breath. 
  • Define the Conflict-Be specific in describing the problem. What is the specific issue and how did it come about? Preserve the relationship! 
  • Find a common goal-something to agree on. Is there more happening than the problem in the moment? 
  • Agree on best ways to resolve the conflict-create a plan to meet the common goal. 
  • Acknowledge the situation-decide on responsibilities. 

Resources to Review: 

expected behavior

Support expected behavior with proactive strategies and quick interventions to maximize learning!

Approaches to Use: 

Professional Reading