Climb the Mountain



Objective: Students will use their stairs as the exercise equipment and calculate how many steps they can climb


  • Start by counting how many stairs you will be climbing up and down every time (12 stairs=24)

  • When you are finished you will calculate the total number of stairs you climbed

  • Keep a piece of paper at the starting point (bottom of the mountain)

  • Every time you make it to the bottom, place a tally on the paper

  • Climb the stairs as often as you can (taking breaks as needed) for 15-20 minutes

  • Count up all the tallies when you are finished and multiply that number by the number of stairs you calculated at the beginning

    • Ex: 30 tallies x 24 stairs = 720 total stairs!


  • Try to climb the mountain even higher next time!

  • Add an exercise every time you get to the top of the mountain