STEM @ 21C

Steam machine 2021 flyer_saturday_edition_revised.pdf

Saturday STEM with STEAM MACHINE for Grade 6*

*limited slots available for grade 7 & 8, ask your site coordinator for more information.

3/27/21-TECHNOLOGY: Computer programs are being used to support much of our existence today. Everything from Google Meets to Zoom is the product of programming. This unit will teach the students the power of technology and will show them the fundamentals of basic computer programming. Scratch will be used to build simple applications. Lessons will integrate grade-level problem-solving tasks. The technology unit will be led by a future programmer

4/24/21-ENGINEERING: Introduces students to engineering and shows students how it can be used to design, build, and solve problems. The students will build a model airplane and learn about the aerodynamics of flight. The engineering unit will be led by an aerospace engineer

5/22/21- Digital ARTS: Design is everywhere, so it is easy to help students to see the creative side of technology and help them to learn how to make simple digital designs. Students will learn how to make a simple website.

The digital arts unit will be led by a digital media entrepreneur

6/5/21- SCIENCE: Many students have pets and understand the responsibility of caring for animals. Veterinary medicine is an exciting field in science and students will get an opportunity to learn about how animals are cared for by professionals in this field. The science unit will be led by a veterinary nurse.