研究團隊 > 中心主任
Kuo-Hsin Tseng, Tsun-Hua Yang, Pei-Yuan Chen, Hwa Chien, Chi-Farn Chen andYi-Chan Hung. Exploring the Feasibility of Mitigating Flood Hazards by an Existing Pond System in Taoyuan, Taiwan. Drones 2023, 7(1), 1; [PDF]
Lung-Chih Tsai, Hwa Chien, Shin-Yi Su, Chao-Han Liu, Harald Schuh, Mohamad Mahdi Alizadeh and Jens Wickert. Ocean-Surface Wave Measurements Using Scintillation Theories on Seaborne Software-Defined GPS and SBAS Reflectometry Observations. Sensors 2023, 23(13), 6185; [PDF]
Andhy Romdani, Jia-Lin Chen, Hwa Chien, Jing-Hua Lin, Ching-Yuan Liao, and Cheng-Chien Hou. Downdrift Port Siltation Adjacent to a River Mouth: Effects of Mesotidal Conditions and Typhoon. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering Volume 149, Issue 2 [PDF]
Zhong, Y.-Z.; Chien, H.; Chang, H.-M.; Cheng, H.-Y. Ocean Wind Observation Based on the Mean Square Slope Using a Self-Developed Miniature Wave Buoy. Sensors 2022, 22 , 7210. [PDF]
Dao, Toan D, Hwa Chien* (2022), Numerical Investigation of the Uncertainty of Typhoon Wave Parameters Retrieval Using HF Radar, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, (SCIE, IF: 0.667, JCR Q3 in Ocean Engineering)[PDF]
Zhong, Y.-Z. ; Chien, H.; Lin,M.-Y.; Wargula,A.;Chen, J.-L. On the Dependency of Bottom Drag and the Eddy Viscosity upon Flow Structure in the Coastal Boundary Layer. JMSE 2022,10. [PDF]
林芸安,錢樺* (2022), 預測颱風的白色精靈?暴風中的波浪與白帽觀測,科學月刊,2022年7月號.[科學月刊]
Andhy Romdani; Jia-Lin Chen; Hwa Chien; Jing-Hua Lin; Chuan-Kai Hung; and Yu-Qi Huang Downdrift Port Siltation Adjacent to a River Mouth : Mechanisms and Effects of Littoral Sediment Transport to the Navigation Channel (Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering/Volume 148 Issue 2 - March 2022). [PDF]
Andhy Romdani; Jia-Lin Chen; Hwa Chien; Jing-Hua Lin; Chuan-Kai Hung; Yu-Qi Huang, (2021.11), Downdrift Port Siltation adjacent to a River Mouth: Mechanisms and Effects of Littoral Sediment Transport to the Navigation Channel, Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 10.1061/(ASCE)WW.1943-5460.0000700 (SCI, IF = 2.208)
Lung-Chih Tsai*, Shin-Yi Su, Hwa Chien, Chao-Han Liu, Harald Schuh, Jens Wickert and Mohamad Mahdi Alizadeh. (2021), Coastal sea-surface wave measurements using software-based GPS reflectometers in Lanyu, Taiwan. (GPS Solutions, IF: 4.066, 7% = 13/187 in General Earth and Planetary Sciences). [PDF]
Zhen Yan, Hwa Chien*, Rui-Lin Yu. (2021), Riding the wave and breaking the ice in the Arctic, Science Monthly, 2021, 1. 陳妍榛, 錢樺*, 郁瑞麟. (2021), 在北極乘浪破冰, 科學月刊, 2021年第1期. [PDF]
Jenn-Shyong Chen, Duy-Toan Dao, Hwa CHIEN*. (2020), Ship echo identification based on norm-constrained adaptive beamforming for an arrayed high-frequency coastal radar, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. (SCIE, IF: 5.63, 7% = 6/84 in Geochemistry & Geophysics). [PDF]
錢樺*, 陶瑞全, 蘇青和, 黃茂信, 許義宏. (2020), 高頻陣列雷達訊號辨識船舶演算法之應用, 港灣季刊, 第一一六期. [PDF]
Jheng-Guo CHEN, Yao-Zhao ZHONG, Laurence Zsu-Hsin CHUANG, Bärbel Koppe, Hwa CHIEN*. (2020), Risk management of coastal water safety for recreational activities: the case of Taoyuan coast, Applied Geography. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeog.2020.102173 (SSCI, IF: 4.008, 5% = 31/628 in Geography). [PDF]
Zhong, Y., Cheng, H. Y., Chien, H., & Koppe, B. (2019). Miniature Wave Buoy–Laboratory and Field Tests for Development of a Robust Low-Cost Measuring Technique. Coastal Structures 2019, 453-462. https://doi.org/10.18451/978-3-939230-64-9_046 (ISBN: 978-3-939230-64-9, EI) [PDF]
錢樺, 鐘耀照*, 鄭皓元, 張煥盟. (2019), 台灣北部塑料垃圾從河川到近岸海洋的輸送觀測, 海洋及水下科技, 第二十九卷第四期. [PDF]
彭新雅, 曾國欣, 錢樺, 陳彥杕. (2019), 運用多時期衛星影像探討外傘頂洲變遷, 國土測繪與空間資訊, 7:2 頁103-119. [PDF]
Jenn-Shyong Chen, Jian-Wu Lai, Hwa Chien, Chien-Ya Wang, Ching-Lun Su, Kun-I Lin, Meng-Yuan Chen, Yen-Hsyang Chu*. (2019), VHF Radar Observations of Sea Surface in the Northern Taiwan Strait, Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, J. Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology (SCI, IF: 2.577, 35.7% = 5/14 in Engineering, Ocean). [PDF]
Liou, Y.-A.*, Mai Son Le, Hwa Chien. (2019), Normalized Difference Latent Heat Index for Remote Sensing of Land Surface Energy Fluxes, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2019/3, 57(3), 1423 - 1433, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2018.2866555. (SCI, IF: 5.786, 7.1% = 6/84 in Geochemistry & Geophysics) [PDF]
Hwa CHIEN, Yao-Zhao ZHONG*, Kang-Hung YANG, Hao-Yuan CHENG (2018), Diurnal variability of CO2 flux at coastal zone of Taiwan based on eddy covariance observation, Continental Shelf Research. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csr.2018.04.006. (SCI, IF: 2.494, 38.5% = 25/65 in Oceanography)
Hwa Chien*, Hao-Yuan Cheng, Yaozhao Zhong (2017), Validating of Coherent-on-Receive Marine Radar in Nearshore using Drifter Cluster, In OCEANS 2017-Aberdeen, IEEE. [PDF]
H.-Y. Cheng, Hwa Chien* (2017), Implementation of S-band marine radar for surface wave measurement under precipitation, Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol 188, pp: 85–94, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2016.10.042. (SCI, IF: 8.791, 2.8% = 7/251 in Environmental Sciences) [PDF]
S. Jan, Y.-J. Yang, J. Wang, V. Mensah, T.-H. Kuo, M.-D. Chiou, C.-S. Chern, M.-H. Chang, Hwa Chien (2015), Large variability of the Kuroshio at 23.75°N east of Taiwan, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, Vol 120, pp. 1825–1840 , doi: 10.1002/2014JC010614. (SCI, IF: 3.567, 13.8% 9/65 in Oceanography) [PDF]
Hwa Chien, H.-Y. Cheng, K.-H. Yang, Y.-H. Tsai, W.-T. Chang (2014), Diurnal and semidiurnal variability of coastal wind over Taiwanese waters, Wind Energy, 18, 8, P.1353-1370, doi: 10.1002/we.1761. (SCI, IF: 3.356, 20.2% = 26/129 in Engineering, Mechanical) [PDF]
Hwa Chien*, H.-Y. Cheng, M.-D. Chiou (2014), Wave climate variability of Taiwan waters, Journal of Oceanography, 70, P. 133-152, doi: 10.1007/s10872-014-0218-8 (SCI, IF: 1.793, 41.5% = 27/65 in Oceanography).
Hwa Chien*, Po-Wen Wen*, Shi-Tsung Wei (2012), The littoral drift with environmental investigation and assessment in Taoyuan, Journal of Engineering Environment (in Chinese), Vol 28, pp: 33-47.
Chien, Hwa*, P.-W. Wen* and S.-T. Wei (2012). Survey and Assessment of the Vulnerability of the Littoral Zone along Taoyuan Coasts. Journal of Engineering Environment, No.28, 33-47.
C.-P. Tsai , C.-H. Hwang , Hwa Chien*, H.-Y. Cheng (2012), Study on the wave climate variation to the renewable wave energy assessment, Renewable Energy, 38, P.50-P.61. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2011.06.041 (SCI, IF: 5.257, 16.5% = 17/103 in Energy & Fuels)
Hwa Chien*, W.-S. Chiang , S.-J. Kao , James T. Liu , K.-K. Liu, Philip L.-F. Liu (2011), Sediment Dynamics Observed in the Jhoushuei River and Adjacent Coastal Zone in Taiwan Strait, Oceanography, 24(4) P.122-P.131. http://dx.doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2011.100. (SCI, IF: 4.455, 6.2% = 4/65 in Oceanography ) [PDF]
M.-D. Chiou, S. Jan, J. Wang, R.-C. Lien, H. Chien (2011), Sources of baroclinic tidal energy in the Gaoping Submarine Canyon off southwestern Taiwan, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, V.116 C12016. doi: 10.1029/2011JC007366. (SCI, IF: 3.567, 13.8% = 9/95 in Oceanography)
H.-Y. Cheng, Hwa Chien* (2011), Application of S-band Nautical Radar for ocean surface wave measurements, Oceans’ 11 IEEE/OES, Santander, Spain (ISBN:978-1-4577-0087-3, EI).
Hwa Chien* (2011), Tidal Area Features and Natural Processes, In: Towards Sustainable Development of Tidal Areas: Principles and Experiences, Published by International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID).
B.-C. Lee, Hwa Chien*, H.-Y. Cheng, and M.-D. Chiou (2010), Evaluation of Operational Wave Forecasts for the Northeastern Coast of Taiwan, Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences., Vol. 21, No. 1, 195-210, doi: 10.3319/TAO.2009.06.03.02(IWNOP). (SCI, IF: 0.682, 90.8% = 59/65 in Oceanography)
M.-D. Chiou, Hwa Chien*, L.-R. Centurioni, and C.-C. Kao (2010), On the simulation of shallow water tides in the vicinity of the Taiwan Banks. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Vol.21 No.1 P.45-P.69. doi: 10.3319/TAO.2009.03.18.01(IWNOP). (SCI, IF: 0.682, 90.8% = 59/65 in Oceanography)
M.-D. Chiou, Hwa Chien, C. Chia, Kao, L. Z H Chuang, Comparative Assessment on the Measurement and Analysis of Directional Spectrum and its Application to Wave Dissipation Estimation, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/265424472.
K.-K. Liu, W.-S. Chiang, Hwa Chien, S.-K. Hsu, S.-J. Kao, James T. Liu (2009), Preliminary Investigations on the Fate of Terrestrial Sediments in the Coastal Ocean Discharged From Taiwanese Small Mountainous Rivers, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/228436696.
Hwa Chien*, W.-S. Chiang, Philip L.-F. Liu , K. K. Liu (2009), Measurements of high concentration sediment plume in the estuary with strong tidal currents, Oceans’ 09 IEEE/MTS Bremen, Germany (ISBN:978-1-4244-2523-5, EI), doi: 10.1109/OCEANSE.2009.5278338.
M.-D. Chiou*, Hwa Chien, B.-C. Lee, C.-C. Kao (2008), On the Validation of Strom Surge Prediction Using POM, Journal of Coastal and Ocean Engineering (in Chinese), Vol 8, Issue 1, pp: 43-65.
Hwa Chien*, P.-H. Chen, M. Da, C. Chia, Kao, G Hsu (2003), The Development of Regional Wave Forecasting System for Nearshore Zones, The Tenth OMISAR Workshop on Ocean Model.
Hwa Chien*, C.-C. Kao, and L. Z. H. Chuang (2002). On the Characteristics of Observed Coastal Freak Waves. Coast. Eng. J. 44, 301. DOI: 10.1142/S0578563402000561 (SCI, IF: 2.016, 40.2% = 53/132 in Engineering, Civil)
Hwa Chien*, Z.-H. Chuang, C.-C. Kao (2002), Analysis of Wave Directional Spreading by Bayesian Parameter Estimation, China Ocean Engineering, Vol.16, No.1, pp.89-105. (SCI, IF: 0.722, 87.1% = 115/132 in Engineering, Civil)
Chang, H. M., Lai, J. W., Yu, H. Y., Chien, H., and Mau, J. C.: Challenges and Strategies in the Development and Operation of High-Frequency Marine Radar Systems in Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16161, 2024. [PDF]
Tsai, L.-C., Hwa, C., Su, S.-Y., and Lv, J.-X.: Ocean-surface wave measurements using scintillation theories on seaborne and coastal software-defined GPS and SBAS reflectometry observations, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5059, 2024. [PDF]
Cheng, A., Chang, H. M., Chien, H., and Yu, H. Y.: Exploring Environmental Impacts on High Frequency Radar Signal Variability in Taiwan's Northern Coastal Waters, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15081, 2024.[PDF]
Chen, M., Liou, Y., Yang, K., and Chien, H.: Assessing the Impact of Wave Age on GNSS-R L1 products and L2 Wind Speed Inversion, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8952, 2024. [PDF]
Chien, H., Chen, Y.-C., Chang, H.-M., Fu, K.-H., and Wang, B.-S.: Analyzing Mesoscale Eddy Impact on the West Spitsbergen Current in the Fram Strait, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9293, 2024. [PDF]
Toan Duy Dao, Hwa Chien, Cheng-Da Lee, Dinh Trong Tran, Thi Hang Ha, Dinh Huy Nguyen, Thanh Dong Khuc. Assessment of BeamForming and MUSIC algorithms in estimating ocean surface current radial velocity from sea-echoes data of a phased-array high-frequency radar system. Engineering Surveying for Sustainable Development 2023.
陳昱安、 張煥盟、 劉育甫、 錢樺、 江育德(2023.10).大潭藻礁區域河川出海口水質分析與討論.國際能源論壇暨第45屆海洋工程研討會與111年科技部海洋及造船工程學門研究計畫成果發表會
錢樺、 張煥盟、 陳昱安、 劉育甫(2023.10).台灣西部典型小型獨立河溪之感潮河段特性觀測研究.國際能源論壇暨第45屆海洋工程研討會與111年科技部海洋及造船工程學門研究計畫成果發表會
李政達、黃茂信、李俊穎、陶瑞全、錢樺(2023.10).利用波束合成與 MUSIC 演算法估計高頻陣列雷達資料獲取丹娜絲颱風徑向表面海流速度之比較.國際能源論壇暨第45屆海洋工程研討會與111年科技部海洋及造船工程學門研究計畫成果發表會
Mingyi Chen, Hwa Chien, Haoyuan Cheng(2023.08). Application of Coastal-based X-band Marine Radar to Nearshore Eddy Identification. 2023 Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 20th Annual Meeting, Singapore.
Lin Zhang, Hwa Chien, Wen-Hao Yeh(2023.06). Wave-Effect Considered Two-Step Wind Speed Retrieving Algorithm for GNSS-R Satellite, TRITON. ICEO & SI 2023 第十二屆地球觀測及社會衝擊國際研討會
Mingyi Chen, Hwa Chien, Haoyuan Cheng(2023.06) Application of Coastal-based X-band Marine Radar to Nearshore Eddies. ICEO & SI 2023 第十二屆地球觀測及社會衝擊國際研討會
Y-C. Chen, H. Chien, K-H. Fu, B-S. Wang(2023.06). Investigating Sea Ice-Wave-Air Interactions: A Study of the Fram Strait using Drifting Buoys in 2021 and 2022. ICEO & SI 2023 第十二屆地球觀測及社會衝擊國際研討會
錢樺、陳妍榛、傅科憲、王博賢(2023.05). 海冰-海浪-海氣交互作用-2021年及2022年基於漂流浮標的弗拉姆海峽研究. 2023年海洋科學年會暨國科會海洋學門成果發表
Ming-Yi Chen, Lin Zhang, Hwa Chien, Wen-Hao Yeh(2023.05).GNSS-R Retrieval Process of Sea Surface Wind Speed. 2023年海洋科學年會暨國科會海洋學門成果發表
Y-C. Chen, V. Mensah, H. CHIEN(2023.05). Estimation of sea ice melt in the Pacific Arctic Region based on T-S observations. 2023年海洋科學年會暨國科會海洋學門成果發表
Hwa Chien, Yen-Chen Chen, Huan-Meng Chang(2023.04). On the wave-ice attenuation and WSC variation in Fram Strait using clusters of miniature wave drifting buoy in 2021 & 2022. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria.
Lin Zhang, Hwa Chien, Wen-Hao Yeh(2023.04). Wave-effect considering two-step wind speed retrieving algorithm for new GNSS-R satellite, TRITON. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria.
Shu-Ping Chuang, Hwa Chien, Yen-Ti Chen, Shin-Hui Li, and Kuo-Hsin Tseng.(2023.04) Observing Sediment Transport in Taiwan's National Wetlands by Satellite Images. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria.
Lin Zhang, Hwa Chien, Ming-Yi Chen, An Cheng, Wen-Hao Yeh(2022.11). Retrieving sea surface wind speed through GNSS-R signal using one-step and two-steps geophysical model function. iCASE 2022國際太空探索研討會
錢樺,張琳,陳銘誼(2022.11). 獵風者衛星資料處理與品質改善. TSU 2022 台灣太空科學聯盟研討會
廖敬元、錢樺、張君名(2022.11). 以數值模擬探討三條崙沙洲海域地形變化.第44屆海洋工程研討會暨110年科技部海洋及造船工程學門研究計畫成果發表會
陳銘誼、錢樺、鄭皓元 (2022.11). 應用微波雷達圖像估測水深之反演算流程, 第44屆海洋工程研討會暨110年科技部海洋及造船工程學門研究計畫成果發表會
錢樺、陳妍榛、傅科憲、王博賢 (2022.11). 北冰洋觀測實驗─海冰邊緣的海氣象特性分析. 第44屆海洋工程研討會暨110年科技部海洋及造船工程學門研究計畫成果發表會
錢樺、鄭安、張煥盟(2022.06). 東海南部海氣象因子空間變異性, 2022臺灣地球科學聯合學術研討會
張琳、錢樺、陳銘誼、葉文豪(2022.08). 波浪參數對海表粗糙度與風速關係影響之討論--建立GNSS-R「獵風者號」反射訊號兩段式風速反演算法. 2022地球觀測及社會衝擊國際研討會
Lin Zhang, Hwa Chien, Ming-Yi Chen, An Cheng(2022.06). Retrieving sea surface wind speed through GNSS-R signal using one-step and two-steps geophysical model function(GMF).2022臺灣地球科學聯合學術研討會
錢樺、陳妍榛(2022.06).以漂流浮球於北冰洋進行海氣象探測, 2022臺灣地球科學聯合學術研討會.
張志強*、錢樺. (2021.11). 三條崙沙洲海域地形受人工迂迴供砂之短期影響. 第43屆海洋工程研討會暨109年科技部海洋及造船工程學門研究計畫成果發表會. p177-183 [PDF]
陳銘誼*、錢樺、鄭皓元. (2021.11). 微波雷達觀測海流資料分析流程. 第43屆海洋工程研討會暨109年科技部海洋及造船工程學門研究計畫成果發表會. p231-236 [PDF]
陳觀印、鄭安、錢樺*、林源煜. (2021.11). 近岸海域水質連續監測與異常警報設計. 第43屆海洋工程研討會暨109年科技部海洋及造船工程學門研究計畫成果發表會. p113-118 [PDF]
魏世聰*、錢樺、張煥盟、林立昌. (2021.11). 大堀溪及觀音溪之感潮河段特性研究. 第43屆海洋工程研討會暨109年科技部海洋及造船工程學門研究計畫成果發表會. p131-136 [PDF]
陶瑞全*、錢樺、魏世聰、鄭安、李政達、蔡立宏、李俊穎、林受勳. (2021.11). MUSIC 與 BF 演算法應用於高頻陣列雷達之比較. 第43屆海洋工程研討會暨109年科技部海洋及造船工程學門研究計畫成果發表會. p137-141 [PDF]
錢樺,林宗德,李宗勳. (2021.08). 沙從哪裡來,會往哪裡去?沙與大潭藻礁爭議. 2021年台灣科技與社會研究學會年會.
張煥盟, 林志宗, 錢樺. (2020.11). 微型資料浮標在海洋工程上的應用. 第42屆海洋工程研討會. 基隆. p542-547.
賀傳欣, 鐘耀照, 王昱善, 錢樺. (2020.11). 三條崙沙洲近百年來變遷的回顧與分析. 第42屆海洋工程研討會. 基隆. p512-519.
陳銘誼, 錢樺, 鄭皓元, 陳孟遠, 周思運. (2020.11). 微波雷達觀測海流資料分析方法之改善及驗證. 第42屆海洋工程研討會. 基隆. p466-469.
廖敬元, 洪傳凱, 蔡聖德, 陳佳琳, 錢樺. (2020.11). 河川輸沙對海岸地形變遷之影響. 第42屆海洋工程研討會. 基隆. p100-106.
Lin Zhang, Hwa Chien*, Wen-Hao Yeh, Ming-Da Chiou, Yu-Chun Chang. (2020.11). Development and test of the self-developed ocean surface wind speed retrieval algorithm for Taiwanese Triton Satellite. Proceedings of the 42nd Ocean Engineering Conference in Taiwan 2020, Keelung, Taiwan. p411-413.
Duy-Toan Dao, Hwa Chien*, Hao-Yuan Cheng. (2020.11). Establish the data quality control platform for sea surface wave parameters measured by the HF coastal radar. Proceedings of the 42nd Ocean Engineering Conference in Taiwan 2020, Keelung, Taiwan. p430-434.
錢樺. (2020.11). 瞬變海況之監測及預警. 第17屆軍事作業研究與模式模擬論壇. 中壢.
Duy-Toan Dao, Hwa Chien* (2019.11). Evaluation of phase array HF radar for ocean surface wave monitoring in the Taiwan Strait, ICEO&NH2019, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Lin Zhang, Hwa Chien* (2019.11). Development and test of the ocean surface wind speed retrieval algorithm for Taiwanese Triton Satellite ICEO&NH, Hanoi, Vietnam.
鐘耀照, 賀傳欣, 曾國欣, 錢樺. (2019). 基於水深地形及衛星影像數據庫分析三條崙沙洲之長期變遷及影響. 第八屆海峽兩岸海洋環境監測及預報技術研討會. 武漢.
Hwa Chien, Duy-Toan Dao,(2019). Algorithm improvements of ocean wave parameters retrieval using single HF radar system, The 8th Workshop on the Monitoring and Forecasting Technologies of Marine Hazards and Environments, Wuhan.
Duy-Toan Dao, Hwa Chien*, 蘇青和, 黃茂信, 許義宏 (2019). Assessment of phase array HF radar for ocean surface wave monitoring in the Taiwan Strait, the 41th Ocean Engineering Conference, Tainan.
Hwa Chien, Duy-Toan Dao. (2019). On the Application of Using HF Coastal Radar for Monitoring Typhoon Ocean Wave Characteristics, PTESIC 2019.
Duy-Toan Dao, Hwa Chien*, Jian-Wu Lai (2019.5), Comparative study of estimated surface wave height in Taiwan Strait using HF radar, TGA2019, Taipei.
Hwa Chien, Lin Zhang, Jian-Wu Lai, Yu-xuan Hwang (2019). Comparative study between the high-frequency antenna array radar system (LERA) and the Coastal Ocean Dynamics Applications Radars (CODAR) system on the surface current, TGA, Taipei.
Yao-Zhao Zhong, Hwa Chien*, Jia-Lin Chen, Meng-Yu Lin (2019). Lagrangian observation of mixing in the coastal boundary layer, The 16th Annual Meeting Asia Oceania Geosciences Society(AOGS),2019, Singapore.
Duy-Toan Dao, Hwa Chien*, Jian-Wu Lai, Yu-Hsuan Huang, Pierre Flament (2019). Evaluation of HF radar in mapping surface wave field in Taiwan Strait under winter monsoon, IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society (IEEE/OES), OCEANS 2019, Marseille-France.
錢樺, 鐘耀照*, 陳佳琳, 林孟郁 (2019), 基於潮流反轉之相位提前量的內陸棚混合效率評估, 2019海洋科學年會暨第十二屆海峽兩岸海洋科學研討會, 台北.
錢樺, 鐘耀照*, 陳佳琳, 林孟郁 (2019), 基於Stokes邊界層理論的海岸水體混合模型之觀測研究, 2019第五屆海峽兩岸海岸科學研討會, 大連.
Yao-Zhao Zhong, Hwa Chien*, Jia-Lin Chen, Meng-Yu Lin (2019), Use of phase lead of tidal current reversal for mixing efficiency evaluation in inner shelf, The 20th Pacific Asian Marginal Seas (PAMS 2019).
Yao-Zhao Zhong, Hwa Chien*, Jia-Lin Chen, Meng-Yu Lin (2018), Analysis of mixing in inner shelf based on Stokes Boundary Layer theory, 2018 AGU FALL MEETING.
Mai Son Le, Liou Yuei An, Hwa Chien (2018), Determination of Potential Evapotranspiration Using Remote Sensing Techniques, 2018 AGU FALL MEETING.
賀傳欣、鐘耀照、陳佳琳、黃郁琪、錢樺, (2018), 雲林離島式基礎工業區突堤效應之影響現況, 第40屆海洋工程研討會.
Hwa Chien, Meng-Yu Lin, Yao-Zhao Zhong* (2018), Characteristics of mixing and dispersion induced by tide in inner shelf ocean, The 9th Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering.
錢樺、林孟郁、鐘耀照, (2018), 內陸棚海域潮流引致的混合與擴散特性, 2018年海洋科學年會.
Hwa Chien, Quang-Huy Lu, Wen-Hao Yeh (2018), On the Uncertainties of Typhoon Surface Wind Speed Retrieved from Simulated GNSS-R Delay-Doppler Maps, 4th International Conference on GPS Radio Occultation in 2018 and 11th FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC Data Users' Workshop, Taipei.
Le Mai Son, Yuei-An Liou, Hwa Chien (2018), A New Technique for Investigation of Surface Latent Heat Flux using Remote Sensing Data, International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts, Hsinchu.
Wen-Hao Yeh, Hwa Chien, Quang-Huy Lu, Anh Hoang (2017), Numerical Retrieval Algorithm for Delay-Doppler Map (DDM) Made by Oceanic Reflected GNSS signal, The 7th Workshop on the Monitoring and Forecasting Technologies of Marine Hazards and Environments, Penghu.
Hwa Chien, Yao-Zhao Zhong*, Hao-Yuan Cheng, Meng-Yu Lin (2017), Measurement and analysis of mixing processes in estuaries and coastal zone, The Third Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environment Sciences (XMAS-Ⅲ).
溫志中*、錢樺 、張志強、陳其賦,(2017), 桃園觀音海岸流場特性數值研究, 第39屆海洋工程研討會.
張君名、錢樺* ,(2017), 西北太平洋颱風波浪波高推算, 第39屆海洋工程研討會.
錢樺、鄭皓元、鐘耀照*、魏世聰 ,(2017), 微型化浮子陣列之研發及其應用於內波表面流場及粗糙度之觀測, 2017年海洋科學年會.
Hao-Yuan Cheng*, Huan-Meng Chang,Hwa Chien (2017), Development and Application of Miniature Wave buoy, The 7th Workshop on the Monitoring and Forecasting Technologies of Marine Hazards and Environments, Penghu.
Hwa Chien*, Duy-Toan Dao, Kang-Hung Yang (2017), Analysis of Wave Parameters and Directionality from simulated HF Radar Sea echo during Typhoon Dujuan, The 7th Workshop on the Monitoring and Forecasting Technologies of Marine Hazards and Environments, Penghu.
Le Mai Son, Yuei-An Liou, Chien Hwa (2017), Evapotranspiration retrieval from Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS, International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts 2017.
Wen-Hao Yeh, Hwa Chien, Q.-H. Lu, A. Hoang (2017), The preliminary research of oceanic surface roughness and tidal period by using reflected GPS signal, EGU 2017.
賀傳欣、黃逢賢、鐘耀照、錢樺, (2017), 颱風對濁水溪河口周邊海域懸浮質輸運之影響, 第七屆海洋環境監測及預報技術研討會.
Hwa Chien, Hao-Yuan Cheng, Yao-Zhao Zhong*, Yu-Chun Chang, Huan-Meng Chang, Chao-Hui Lin, Shih-Tsung Wei (2016), Disposal Drifters Array: Sea Truth Provider for Remote Sensing of Sea Surface Current, The 3rd Ocean Radar Conference for Asia-Pacific.
H. Chien*, Y.Z. Zhong, H.Y. Cheng, Y.C. Chang, H.M. Chang, S.T. Wei (2016), A lagrangian view of anthropogenic pollutants behaviors in Dan-Shui estuary of Taiwan, ECSA 56 – Coastal systems in transition from a ‘natural’ to an ‘anthropogenically modified’ state.
Hwa Chien, Yao-Zhao Zhong, Hao-Yuan Cheng, Yu-Chun Chang, Huan-Meng Chang, Shih-Tsung Wei (2016), Lagrangian measurement of anthropogenic pollutants behavior in the estuaries of Taiwan, The 38th Ocean Engineering Conference.
Toan-Dao Duy, Chien-Hwa, Yao-Zhao Zhong (2016), On the determination of suspended sediment concentration on the ChoShui estuary using ADCP, The 38th Ocean Engineering Conference.
Hwa Chien, Quang-Huy Lu, Anh Hoang, Wen-Hao Yeh (2016), Implementation of GNSS-Reflectometry for sea surface wind remote sensing, The 38th Ocean Engineering Conference.
Anh Hoang, Quang-Huy Lu, Hwa Chien, Wen-Hao Yeh (2016), Sea state parameters retrieval from GNSS-R signal, The 38th Ocean Engineering Conference.
Hwa Chien*, Q.-H. Lu, A. Hoang, W.-H. Yeh (2016), Implementation of GNSS-Reflectometry for sea surface wind remote sensing, The International Symposium on GNSS 2016.
Y.-Z. Zhong, Hwa Chien*, H.-Y. Cheng, Y.-C. Chang, R. Balaji (2016), Development of Low-Cost Drifters Array for Nearshore Current Mapping in Coastal Groin Effect Basins, 12th International Conference on Hydroscience & Engineering Hydro-Science & Engineering for Environmental Resilience, pp: 373-377
J. Satheeshkumar, R. Balaji, Hwa Chien (2016), Assessment of Tidal Hydrodynamics Along Taiwan Coast, 12th International Conference on Hydroscience & Engineering Hydro-Science & Engineering for Environmental Resilience, pp: 368-372.
Hwa Chien*, D.-T. Dao, Y.-Z. Zhong, C.-H. Ho, R. Balaji (2016), On the Determination of Suspended Sediment Concentration in the Estuary Using ADCP, 12th International Conference on Hydroscience & Engineering Hydro-Science & Engineering for Environmental Resilience, pp: 106-111.
Le Mai Son, Yuei-An Liou*, and Hwa Chien (2016). “Evapotranspiration estimation with remote sensing and surface energy balance algorithm.” The 1st International Association of Geo-informatics, Tokyo, Japan.
Le Mai Son, Yuei-An Liou*, and Hwa Chien (2016). “SPI - NDVI correlation analysis to assess the drought condition in two highland provinces in Vietnam from 2007 to 2013.” 2016 International conference on Earth Observations and societal impacts (2016 ICEO&SI), Keelung, Taiwan.
C.-H. Hwang, W.-C. Lee, W.-F. Hsieh, C.-P. Tsai, and Hwa Chien (2016), Statistical Analysis on the Extreme Events of Big Waves Under Wave Climate Change Around Taiwan Waters, ASME 2011 30th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, pp. 719-726, doi:10.1115/OMAE2011-49896.
鐘耀照、錢樺、鄭皓元、張瑀峻、張煥盟、魏世聰(2016), 以漂流浮球陣列觀測核電廠溫排水熱擴散特性, 第 38 屆海洋工程研討會暨科技部計畫成果發表會.
錢樺、鄭皓元、鐘耀照、張瑀峻(2016), 以漂流浮球陣列觀測技術研究黑潮邊界對近岸流場之影響, 2016臺灣地球科學聯合學術研討會.
鐘耀照、錢樺、鄭皓元、張瑀峻(2016), 近岸水體中汙染物質混合與擴散特徵之Lagrangian觀測與分析, 2016臺灣地球科學聯合學術研討會.
錢樺、鐘耀照、鄭皓元、楊康宏(2015), 台灣海岸帶二氧化碳通量之日週期特性, 第37屆海洋工程研討會論文集55-58頁.
錢樺、鄭皓元、林昭暉、張瑀峻、魏世聰、鐘耀照(2015), 同調性微波雷達及漂流浮球陣列在近岸海 況監測中的應用, 第37屆海洋工程研討會論文集541-543頁.
錢樺、鐘耀照、鄭皓元、張瑀峻(2015), 以海表漂流浮球陣列觀測近岸水體輸送與混合特性之研究, 海峽兩岸海洋減災論壇暨第六屆海峽兩岸海洋環境監測及預報技術研討會.
王仲豪、錢樺、鄭皓元、林昭暉、鐘耀照、張瑀峻、魏世聰(2015), 同調微波雷達於台灣東北角宜蘭侵蝕海岸之觀測, 海峽兩岸海洋減災論壇暨第六屆海峽兩岸海洋環境監測及預報技術研討會.
錢樺、鄭皓元、林昭暉、張瑀峻、呂理弘(2015), 以同調性微波雷達監測近海海象之應用與驗證, 交通部中央氣象局104年天氣分析與預報研討會.
錢樺、鄭皓元、林昭暉、賴堅戊(2014), 同調微波雷達開發及應用於近岸流場觀測, 第36屆海洋工程研討會論文集653-656頁.
蔡立宏、郭晉安、鄭皓元、賴堅戊、錢樺(2014), 風驅流對臺中港北防波堤鄰近海域表層海流之影響, 第36屆海洋工程研討會論文集165-170頁.
Hwa Chien*, H.-Y. Cheng, D.-B. Trizna (2013), Determination of phase difference of backscatter signals from coherent-on-receive microwave marine radar for wave measurement, Oceans’13 IEEE/MTS San Diego, USA (ISBN:978-0-933957-40-4, EI).
錢樺、楊康宏、鄭皓元、蔡原祥、張宛婷(2013), 海氣象因子對離岸風力發電的影響, 第35屆海洋工程研討會論文集.
錢樺、鄭皓元、林昭暉、賴堅戊(2013), 海象觀測同調性都卜勒微波雷達的開發, 第35屆海洋工程研討會論文集.
許泰文、錢樺(2013), 氣候變遷對台灣海岸環境可能之衝擊, 第35屆海洋工程研討會論文集.
L.-H. Tsai, I.-F. Tseng, Hwa Chien, C.-C. Kao (2002), Estimation of JONSWAP Spectral Parameters by Using Dependent-Variables Analysis, American Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 328-337.
Kao, Ruey-Chy, C.-J. Lai, W.-S. Chiang, H. Chien, P. Chen, J.-P. Wang and C.-Y. Tsai (2011), Towards Sustainable Development of Tidal Areas – Principles and Experiences, Edited by Park Sang Hyun et al., International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID), 35-49, Chapter 2 Tidal Area Features and Natural Processes. ISBN:978-81-89610-10-4