
6th/7th/8th Grades




I'm one of Andersen's three speech-language clinicians.  I have been at Andersen since 2015 and truly enjoy working with middle grade students! This year I work with students across all grades (6th through 8th) who have speech-language goals.   

Students with SPEECH goals (articulation, fluency, voice) participate in a mix of pull-out (speech room) and push-in (classroom) service depending on need and level of support.  

For students with LANGUAGE goals, I enjoy finding ways to work on communication goals during a student's regularly scheduled day.  This year I will focus on:

SCIENCE classes for 6th and 8th grade students 

US STUDIES classes for 7th grade students 

My goal is to make class content accessible and meaningful for students receiving speech-language service.



Speech-Language Classroom

Please log into GOOGLE CLASSROOM to find my Speech-Language online classroom.


Ms. Leah's Schedule:

MONDAY -- coming soon...

TUESDAY - coming soon...

WEDNESDAY - coming soon...