Life is better when you DANCE!
Welcome to the Roosevelt High School Dance Program
At RHS, Dance is an arts elective that welcomes any interested student whether they are new to the art form or have had years of experience.
Dance Program Aims
Allow students to discover their movement and creative potential.
Experience expressing and communicating ideas, thoughts and concepts through movement.
Develop critical thinking skills, analyzing our own movement and the works of others.
Provide opportunities for students to broaden their understanding and awareness of dance as a global art form by embracing a variety of dance traditions and dance cultures - past, present and future.
Dance Electives
Dance 1
This course is open to any 9th-12th grade student and has a concentration on movement fundamentals through the dance elements of body, action, time, space and energy. The intent is to give students an awareness and appreciation for the physical body and its athletic and expressive capabilities. Students experience these elements through a variety of dance styles and genres. History and cultures of studied dance forms will be explored. Introductory elements of dance choreography and performance are also included. This is a semester long course.
Dance 2
This course is for the student with more experience in dance. A deeper and more refined focus on dance technique, improvisation and composition can be expected. Students have more opportunity to create and perform at the annual spring dance showcase. Dance history and criticism is also explored. Dance teaching artist residencies will connect students to local professionals in our community expanding class offerings and content to enhance our understanding of dance as a global art form. This is a semester long course. (Pre-requisite is Dance 1 or by audition.)
Dance Company
RHS Dance Company is for students who are excited about choreography, performing and exploring various genres of dance. Daily rehearsals enhance student movement technique and skill levels. Students deepen their understanding of various choreographic processes and apply them to their original works. Multiple performances give students the opportunity to share their work at both at Roosevelt High School and other local theaters. Professional dancers and choreographers are introduced to students through artist residencies to broaden their lens of dance. (Pre-requisite is Dance 1 and 2 or by audition.)
Dance IB DP SL & HL
Consistent with the educational philosophy of the IB, the Diploma Programme dance curriculum aims for a holistic approach to dance, and embraces a variety of dance traditions and dance cultures—past, present and looking towards the future. Performance, creative and analytical skills are mutually developed and valued whether the students are writing papers or creating/performing dances. The curriculum provides students with a liberal arts orientation to dance. This orientation facilitates the development of students who may become choreographers, dance scholars, performers or those, more broadly, who seek life enrichment through dance. (Pre-requisit is Dance 1 and 2 or by audition.)