Martrell Carter

Hello all my name is Martrell Carter and I have been apart of the Jenny Lind family since 2017. I'm currently the Behavior/climate specialist, and in my previous years I was an Associate educator. Currently, I am pursuing a bachelor's degree in Psychology and my master's in Counseling at Metropolitan State University. I have a 6 year old son that attends Jenny Lind and he loves it. He always tells me about the best parts of his day which more often than not include his interactions with my coworkers. While being an Associate Educator focused primarily on helping in the area of academics, I enjoy the bonds that I build with my students just as much because having a sense of comfort and belonging, makes school much more enjoyable for them. This is why I am in my current behavior/climate position, to build bonds and help students enjoy school to the fullest. What I plan on using my degree for is becoming both a school counselor as well as family therapist, and I believe students/children having a strong support system is key to their overall success.