March 31, 2022 from 5-7:30pm at Playground Global

Over 190 people, representing over 60 organizations, came together for a fantastic gathering of ML researchers working on greater efficiency in training and inference.

We'd love to see you at the next one, either in person or virtual. Sign up to get an invitation!

An In-Person Meetup for EfficientML Researchers

It's been too long since we've seen each other! We're organizing an in-person meetup and poster session to bring together researchers in the Bay Area interested in topics related to efficient machine learning training and inference. If you'd like to present a poster, submit an abstract and - optionally - any other supporting materials you like (a poster, blog post, arXiv link, etc.). Regardless, join us for food, friends, research, and a sense of community we've missed over the past couple of years! Just because MLSys was postponed doesn't mean we can't get together to discuss EfficientML!

Taking place at Playground Global (380 Portage Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94306)

Event Organizers

Amir Gholami

UC Berkeley

Davis Blalock


Horace He


Jonathan Frankle


Kobie Crawford


Mihir Patel


Rosanne Liu

Google/ML Collective

Ryan Spring


Trevor Gale


This event is sponsored by MosaicML