Mark Collier
University of Minnesota, Morris
Professor of Philosophy (2021-ongoing)
Associate Professor of Philosophy (2011-2020)
Assistant Professor (2005-2010)
Peking University
Visiting Professor (Spring 2012)
Pomona College
Visiting Assistant Professor (2004-2005)
University of Pittsburgh
Visiting Lecturer (Fall 2003)
Stanford University
Lecturer (2002-2004)
Fellow in the Humanities (1999-2001)
University of California, San Diego
Ph.D. Cognitive Science & Philosophy (1999)
Committee: Paul Churchland (co-chair), Pat Kitcher (co-chair), Nick Jolley, Jeff Elman, Jean Mandler.
Columbia University
B.A. Philosophy & French Literature (1992)
"Humean Vice Epistemology: The Case of Prejudice", in Stapleford and Wagner (Eds.) Hume and Contemporary Epistemology, 2024.
"Disguising Change: Hume and Cognitive Science on the Continued Existence of Selves", in Dan O'Brien (Ed.) Hume on the Self and Personal Identity, 2022, 275-293.
"Natural Belief in Persistent Selves", Philosophical Psychology, 34, 2021, 1146-1166.
"A Humean Approach to the Boundaries of Morality", Journal of Scottish Philosophy, 18, 2020, 1-16.
"Hume's Legacy: A Cognitive Science Perspective", in A. Coventry and A. Sager (Eds.) The Humean Mind, 2018, 434-445.
"The Natural Foundations of Religion", Philosophical Psychology, 27, 2014, 665-680.
"Toward a Science of Criticism: Aesthetic Values, Human Nature, and the Standard of Taste", in M. Bruhn and D. Wehrs (Eds.) Cognition, Literature, and History, 2014, 229-242.
"The Humean Approach to Moral Diversity", Journal of Scottish Philosophy, 11, 2013, 41-52.
"Hume's Science of Emotions: Feeling Theory without Tears", Hume Studies, 37, 2011, 3-18.
"Hume's Natural History of Justice", in C. Taylor and S. Buckle (Eds.) Hume and the Enlightenment, 2011, 131-142.
"Hume's Theory of Moral Imagination", History of Philosophy Quarterly, 27, 2010, 253-273.
"Two Puzzles in Hume's Epistemology", History of Philosophy Quarterly, 25, 2008, 301-314.
"Why History Matters: Associations and Causal Judgment in Hume and Cognitive Science", Journal of Mind and Behavior, 28, 2007, 175-188.
“Hume and Cognitive Science: The Current Status of the Controversy over Abstract Ideas”, Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 4, 2005, 197-207.
“A New Look at Hume’s Theory of Probabilistic Inference”, Hume Studies, 31, 2005, 21-36.
“Filling the Gaps: Hume and Connectionism on the Continued Existence of Unperceived Objects”, Hume Studies, 25, 1999, 155-170.
“On the Compatibility of Connectionism and Cognitive Linguistics”, Center for Research in Language Newsletter, 11, 1998, 3-11.
Professional Activities
Faculty Affiliate, University of Minnesota Center for Cognitive Sciences (2011-ongoing)
Chair, Planning Committee (2021-ongoing)
Chair, Philosophy Discipline (2010-14, 2016-17, 2021-22, 2023-ongoing)
Chair, Humanities Division Advisory Committee (2023-2024)
Founders Scholar of the Liberal Arts, UMN-Morris (2024-5)
Emerging Technologies Faculty Fellow, University of Minnesota (2024-5)
Organizer, 48th Annual Midwest Philosophy Colloquium: Expanding the Canon (2023-4)
Coordinator, Central APA Hume Society Meetings (2021-2023)
Organizer, 46th Annual Midwest Philosophy Colloquium: Structural Change (2021-22)
Organizer, 45th Annual Midwest Philosophy Colloquium: Conspiracy Theory (2020-21) [YouTube Channel]
Organizer, 44th Annual Midwest Philosophy Colloquium: Implicit Bias (2019-20)
Organizer, 42nd Annual Midwest Philosophy Colloquium: Happiness (2017-18)
Organizer, 41st Annual Midwest Philosophy Colloquium: New Directions in Environmental Philosophy (2016-17)
Organizer, 40th Annual Midwest Philosophy Colloquium: Philosophy of Biology (2015-16)
Co-Organizer (with Alan Love), UMM/UMTC Joint Symposium on Philosophy of Biology (2016)
Organizer, 35th Annual Midwest Philosophy Colloquium: Learning from Chinese Philosophy (2010-11)
Organizer, 34th Annual Midwest Philosophy Colloquium: Justice and Higher Education (2009-10)
Organizer, 33rd Annual Midwest Philosophy Colloquium: Frontiers of Environmental Ethics (2008-09)
Panelist, (2009-2011)
Official Convenor, Pacific APA Hume Society Meetings (2001-2004)
Teaching Experience
Graduate Seminars (Stanford, Peking University)
Hume Seminar - Peking University (Spring 2012)
Hume - Stanford University (Winter 2003)
(With Patrick Suppes) - Passion, Freedom, and Morality in Hume’s Treatise - Stanford University (Winter 2001)
Undergraduate Courses (UCSD, Stanford, Pittsburgh, Pomona, Minnesota)
Ancient Wisdom and the Good Life - Minnesota
Social-Political Epistemology - Minnesota
Ethics and Artificial Intelligence - Minnesota
Moral Sentimentalism - Minnesota
International and Biomedical Ethics - Minnesota
The Scottish Enlightenment - Minnesota
Philosophy of Mind - Minnesota
Ancient Philosophy - Minnesota
Problems from Hume - Minnesota
Modern Philosophy - Minnesota
Marx, Nietzsche, Freud - Minnesota
The Self - Minnesota
Fatalism - Minnesota
Introduction to Philosophy - Minnesota
History of Ethics - Pomona
Hume - Pomona
International Ethics - Pittsburgh
World Philosophies - Pittsburgh
Global Philosophy of Religion - Pittsburgh
Biomedical Ethics - Stanford
Philosophy in the Age of Enlightenment - UCSD