6th Grade Social Studies

Monte Vista Middle School 6th Grade Social Studies 

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Welcome to the exciting world of 6th-grade social studies at Monte Vista Middle School! We are thrilled to have your child as a part of our class this year. I am your child's social studies teacher, and I am looking forward to a year filled with exploration, learning, and growth.

Throughout the year, we will be using the Colorado Social Studies Grade 6 textbook published by McGraw-Hill to delve into a variety of fascinating topics. Here's an overview of the subjects we will be covering in the course:

Our classroom will be a space where learning is not only enriching but also enjoyable. To create a positive and productive environment, we have established some classroom expectations for your child:

In order to succeed and make the most of our class, your child will need the following supplies throughout the year:

We believe that with your support and involvement, your child's experience in our social studies class will be both rewarding and enriching. Feel free to reach out to me anytime at christopherms@monte.k12.co.us with any questions, concerns, or insights you might have.

Thank you for entrusting us with your child's education. We are looking forward to a fantastic year of learning and discovery!


Christopher Spears

6th Grade Social Studies




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