And when will the consequences follow?

Failure and learning are NOT the same

Wait for it...



A little more...



Well, NO, there are times when time doesn't cure everything either

We are launching a questionnaire to start working on the project. Do you want to be part of the movement?

It is available in 3 languages: English, Spanish and Basque. Go, go, go!

What is this project? A movement that seeks to reverse the consequences of failures in the world of entrepreneurship in society in general and of individuals in particular. To this end, support itineraries are proposed combining emotional, interpersonal and professional aspects with the aim of healing wounds and moving from failure to learning.

Some reflections (Soon more)...

All problems are not opportunities

(or are they)

Amaierak ez dira inoiz ere ez zoriontsuak

(edo bai)

Business ez da beti okupatuta egotearen egoera

(edo bai)

Business is not the negation of leisure

(or is it)

Congocio no es un lugar para el ocio (o sí)

Edalontzia ez dago beti erdi beteta (edo bai)

Failure is not a waste of time (or is it_)doesn´t always help society (or does it_)

Failure is not simple (or yes)

Fracasar no es guay (o sí)

Fracaso y error no son lo mismo (o sí)

If you say that failure is cool, you haven´t experienced it (or you have).

Inoiz ez da inoiz (edo bai)

Las empresas no siempre ayudan a la sociedad (o sí)

Llenar tus vacíos personales quedando con otras personas no es la solución (o sí)

Never hesitate (or do you)

No fracases rápido (o sí)egitea ez da ikastea (edo bai)

No mires al pasado con ojos de presente (o sí)

Pertsona guztiak ezin dira ekintzaileak izan (edo bai)hesitate (or do you)

Porrot egitea ez da ikastea (edo bai)

Porrota ez da erraza (edo bai)is not simple (or yes)

Porrota ez da merkea (edo bai)doesn´t always help society (or does it_)

Siempre no es siempre (o sí)

Time does not heal everything (or does it)

Tomorrow is not never (or yes)

Un fracaso no es la suma de varios errores (o sí)