Mental Wellbeing Provision in Sport Survey

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Explanatory Statement

If you are a volunteer or paid employee within a State Sporting Association or Sporting Club, you are invited to take part in this study. Please read this Explanatory Statement in full before deciding whether or not to participate in this research. If you would like further information regarding any aspect of this project, you are encouraged to contact the researchers.

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Project ID: 24721

Project title: Mental Health and Wellbeing in Community Sport

Dr Ruth Jeanes

Faculty of Education

Phone: 03 99044216


Dr Karen Lambert

Faculty of Education

Phone: 03 99044400


Dr Justen O’ Connor Faculty of Education

Phone: 03 99044417


Dr Christine Grove Faculty of Education

Phone: 03 99050803


You are invited to take part in this study. Please read this Explanatory Statement in full before deciding whether or not to participate in this research. If you would like further information regarding any aspect of this project, you are encouraged to contact the researchers via the phone numbers or email addresses listed above.

What does the research involve?

In May 2020 Healthway commissioned researchers at Monash University to undertake a review of existing initiatives operating in sports clubs, seeking to promote positive mental health and wellbeing. The aims of the research is to gain a comprehensive understanding of the work being undertaken to support positive mental health in community sports contexts across WA and determine what resources and support might need to be provided in the future to support mental health work and training across the community sport sector. The research will assist Healthway to develop guidance and resources for sporting associations and community sports clubs to determine what types of initiatives and programs are most effective to engage with depending on current levels of knowledge. The research will provide a valuable mapping of existing support.

The researchers would like to invite you to complete a short survey overviewing the initiatives that your club or State Sporting Association are aware of, your views and opinions of these initiatives and resources and what else you believe could be done to support this area of work in the future. The survey can be completed online and should take approximately 20 minutes to complete.

Why were you chosen for this research?

You are invited to participate as a representative of a community sporting club or a State Sporting Association.

Source of funding

The research is funded by Healthway, with the research team requested to conduct an independent evaluation.

Consenting to participate in the project and withdrawing from the research

The first question in the questionnaire asks if you wish to participate having read this explanatory statement, click yes that you consent and you will continue with the questionnaire. If you decide you do not wish to complete the questionnaire there will be no negative consequences. We cannot withdraw your questionnaire data once you progress beyond this point, as we cannot tell who provided what information, you will remain anonymous.

Possible benefits and risks to participants

A set of recommendations and a report will be developed for Healthway to assist in better understanding the level and quality of providers in the mental health and wellbeing in community sport area. Healthway will use this to develop a series of resources to support sports clubs in determining how they can engage in supporting positive mental health and wellbeing amongst their members. There are minimal risks of being involved in the research beyond the inconvenience of giving up time to complete the survey.

For club volunteers, a recognition of the volunteering work you do is provided in the form of two $50 vouchers. Any volunteer from a community club that completes the survey can go into the draw. Two people will be randomly selected to receive the vouchers. Simply provide your email contact in the secondary form to go into a random draw. Your details cannot be in any way connected with your responses in the questionnaire.


The survey is identifiable to allow the research team to understand which sports are engaging with mental health initiatives. However, for reporting purposes we will not identify individual respondents by either name or role in the organisation, only the sport will appear in the report. The survey data will be collected using the online platform Qualtrics which is a reputable platform and committed to maintaining respondent privacy.

Storage of data

Data will be stored on the Shared Drive at Monash University, in a password protected file, accessible to the research team. Survey data will be analysed and aggregated and the data destroyed five years after the study.

Use of data for other purposes

As well as producing a report for Healthway, your data may be used by the research team in conference presentations and academic journal articles.


The research team will compile a report for Healthway detailing the findings of the project. This will be accessible on the Healthway website.


Should you have any concerns or complaints about the conduct of the project, you are welcome to contact the Executive Officer, Monash University Human Research Ethics Committee (MUHREC):

Executive Officer,

Monash University Human Research Ethics Committee (MUHREC)Room 111, Chancellery Building D, 26 Sports Walk, Clayton Campus Research Office

Monash University VIC 3800

Tel: +61 3 9905 2052 Email: Fax: +61 3 9905 3831

Thank you,

Dr Ruth Jeanes